Accounting elements


ALTUM image824 Accounting elements [Ledgers] – displays a list of journal entries posted in the current accounting period


ALTUM image825 Accounting elements [Account Filter] – displays a list of journal entries posted in the current accounting period, displayed by accounts


ALTUM image826 Accounting elements [Accounting Notes] – displays a list of accounting notes


ALTUM image827 Accounting elements [Chart of Accounts] – displays chart of accounts


ALTUM image828 Accounting elements [Trial Balance] – previews trial balance of accounts in a given accounting period


ALTUM image829 Accounting elements [Opening Balance] – displays a list of opening balance documents


ALTUM image830 Accounting elements [Schemes] – displays a list of posting schemes


ALTUM image831 Accounting elements [Recurring Posting Operations] – displays a list of recurring posting schemes

ALTUM image832 Accounting elements [Statements] – displays a list of financial statements and allows the user to define new statements


ALTUM image833 Accounting elements [Tax Returns] – displays a list of VAT-7 declarations


ALTUM image834 Accounting elements[Clearings]


ALTUM image835 Accounting elements [Bank Reconciliation] – enables to compare figures from accounting records against those presented on a bank statement


ALTUM image836 Accounting elements [VAT Accounts] – displays a list of VAT accounts



Functions description


1)    Journal Entries:


ALTUM image824 Accounting elements Ledgers – each event that occurs in given accounting period is registered in the books of that particular reporting period as journal entry. The journal entry is understood as an entry registered on the basis of a proof of accounting. Each journal entry contains:

ALTUM image001 Accounting elements      business transaction date

ALTUM image001 Accounting elements      type and identification number of the proof of accounting which is the basis of an entry and its date, if the date is different from the date of transaction

ALTUM image001 Accounting elements      comprehensive text, abbreviation or code of transaction; written explanations of these texts, abbreviations or codes must be provided

ALTUM image001 Accounting elements      journal entry amount and date

ALTUM image001 Accounting elements      definition of accounts the journal entry refers to

The entries in a ledger and on general ledger’s accounts should be interrelated in a way allowing their verification. Comarch ALTUM user may check: Ledger number and number of a journal entry in a  ledger.

Number in General Ledger – number of a journal entry in the general ledger. Numbers of unconfirmed journal entries contain the letter D.A confirmed journal entry receives a successive ordinal number.

Number in Ledger – number of a journal entry in an indicated ledger


ALTUM image825 Accounting elements Account Filter – this functionality allows the preview of all posting operations performed in the system. Journal entries can be filtered on the list by: day, month, year, posting period, accounts, ledgers, document status, currency, accounting period, partial accounting period, and VAT rate.


ALTUM image826 Accounting elements Accounting Notes  they are used for registration of documents different than VAT documents (VAT purchase invoices and VAT sales invoices). These documents could be: regular bills from VAT-exempt entities, documents connected with payment for the business trips. The accounting notes can be also used for entering of journal entries regarding different types of posting operations performed during an accounting period e.g. transferring prime cost at the end of month, paying sales TAX etc.

The main application of the accounting notes comes down to the registration of all (non-VAT) documents which are connected with a business entity and which should be posted on the entity’s clearing account and then paid.


2)    Accounting Structure:


ALTUM image827 Accounting elements Chart of Accounts – this is an accounting tool used for registration of business transactions on up-to-date basis which are expressed as monetary value. Setting of chart of accounts is a very important element in organizing an accounting structure in the company. It is also important for ensuring proper work with the system. When preparing the chart of accounts, it is important that the accepted rules for keeping the books would ensure:

ALTUM image001 Accounting elements      reliable and verifiable registration of transactions so that the estate, the financial position, and the financial result of an entity were properly presented; this especially refers to appropriate  registration of balances of assets and liabilities, costs, losses, revenues and profits 

ALTUM image001 Accounting elements      data necessary in any kind of VAT payments and clearings with customers, vendors and employees

ALTUM image001 Accounting elements      efficient internal control of business transactions and balance of the estate components possessed by an entity with the right of decision about them

ALTUM image001 Accounting elements      possibility of drawing up a financial statement and other statements and declarations


ALTUM image828 Accounting elements Trial Balance – this is a statement of journal entries registered on accounts. Activity is a list of all business transactions posted on an account. Balance is a statement of Debit and Credit sides, that is all activities recorded on a book account in given accounting period – it also includes an opening balance.   


Registration of business transactions should be based on a double-entry bookkeeping system which allows to keep the balance equilibrium. When creating a book account, total beginning balances of assets components recorded on one account being debited equal total beginning balances of liabilities components recorded on one account being credited. This double-entry bookkeeping system is further observed within the accounting period. It causes even increase of debited and credited activity.

Due to mass journal entries, which cause high probability of occurring different kind of errors, periodical control of the balance equilibrium is necessary. That control tool is the trial balance which is drawn up periodically.        

Besides the control function, the trial balance also provides information. It provides data necessary for drawing up of financial statements, such as balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow statement etc., because it is the source of information about the balance of particular components of the estate and the capital.


3)    Opening Balance


ALTUM image829 Accounting elements Opening Balance – each company’s accounting system is based on entering appropriate values on accounts the company’s activity is based on. The opening balance documents determine initial balances on accounts in given accounting period. The values of the opening balance are entered by the user.


4)    Posting Schemes


ALTUM image830 Accounting elements Schemes – these are the templates of journal entries by which documents are posted. They allow for the automatic creation of journal entry on the basis of an accounting document. They are based on recurrence of actions in accounting.


ALTUM image831 Accounting elements Recurring Posting Schemes – these posting schemes are used for multiple recurring posting of certain amounts on particular accounts, that is for posting of operations performed regularly, e.g. every month, quarter, year.


5)    Statements


ALTUM image832 Accounting elements Financial Statements – statements are one of the tools evaluating the company’s financial condition. They create a so-called internal information database for carrying out an analysis. They are of information quality because they are calculated on the basis of data registered on accounts. This function provides the user with tools allowing to build the above-mentioned reports, as well as different types of internal reports which are necessary in analyzing the company’s estate and financial situation.


6)    Tax Returns


ALTUM image833 Accounting elements Tax Returns – in accordance with the Goods and Services Tax Act, the taxpayer are obliged to submit tax returns VAT-7. This functionality enables flexible creation of tax returns so that each user can adjust them to the profile of his/her enterprise. The mechanism of tax returns allows the user to define tax returns according to individual preferences:

ALTUM image001 Accounting elements      Defining the layout of a tax return,

ALTUM image001 Accounting elements      Defining the method of retrieving data, values for particular fields of tax returns,

ALTUM image001 Accounting elements      Defining new versions of forms,

ALTUM image001 Accounting elements      Defining different types of tax returns, e.g. for income tax.


7)    Other


ALTUM image835 Accounting elements Bank Reconciliation – this functionality enables to reach an exact ending balance of a bank account usually at the end of a given month. It compares a bank statement sent by a bank at the end of a given period against figures recorded on accounts (journal entries derived from cash-bank transactions and checks).


ALTUM image836 Accounting elements VAT Accounts  they are used for storing of data regarding sales TAX. VAT accounts allow VAT-payers to register documents in VAT accounts in the form of invoices. The entries entered into VAT accounts are fully modifiable. They can be also entirely deleted. Upon posting, the entry is no longer editable. The program allows the creation of any number of VAT subaccounts, both within sales account and purchase account. 


ALTUM image836 Accounting elements First Event – the first event maintenance option can be activated in the accounting  configuration of the system. This functionality separates sales/purchase invoices from VAT sales/purchase invoices in accordance with the common practice of the Ukrainian market. These documents are registered in the system individually. VAT invoices, in the first event functionality, contain, additionally, the information about a product. A VAT invoice can be also issued as an advance payment for purchase of a product, that is for part of the ordered product. The first event maintenance functionality is used on the Ukrainian market and it replaces the traditional VAT accounts.  




Accounting elements