Adding an accounting note


To add an accounting note, click [Add] in the List button group. An accounting note form will be opened. It is composed of five tabs: General, Payments, Analytical Description, Permissions, and History. The last two tabs are available only on a registered accounting note form.


ALTUM image858 Adding an accounting noteFigure 9 Accounting note form.



Mandatory field:


Ledger – ledger in which an accounting note will be registered; it is selected from a drop-down list

Center – center to which an accounting note will be assigned; it is selected from a drop-down list


Other fields:


Number – accounting note number. It is entered by the system automatically and it is not editable

Document Number – this number is entered by the user and it allows for more efficient identification of given accounting note

Document Date – document date of registration in the system

Date of Transaction – transaction creation date

Date of Issue   document date of issue


An accounting note element can be added through form. Clicking on the button [Add through Form] opens the form of the accounting note item.


ALTUM image860 Adding an accounting noteFigure 10 Accounting note item form.



Mandatory fields:


Account Dr – left, debit side of an account containing the entries debiting the account

Account Cr – right, credit side of an account containing the entries crediting the account

Amount – document monetary value


Other fields:


No. – element number. It is entered by the system automatically. The user may neither add, edit nor delete it. It appears in the single-sided entries table

Document Number – this number is entered by the user in order to better identify the accounting note element

Customer – name of a company an accounting document is assigned to. If customer is selected in a journal entry form, the same customer/vendor is automatically copied to a single-sided entry form

Date of Transaction   actual date of performing the transaction, that is the day on which the purchase or sale transaction was effected

Date of Issue – date of issuing a trade document on the basis of which posting will be performed

Description – field for providing information regarding given note

VAT Rate – field for selecting VAT rate registered in the system


After the mandatory fields are correctly completed, in order to add a single-sided entry, click [Save]. If you do not want to save it, click [Cancel].


After saving the single-sided entry form, you will automatically return to the accounting note form.


Upon saving the element, save the entire document. To save the document, click [Save] in the Actions button group. The accounting note document will appear on the list.



Accounting note payments


Payments for an accounting note are generated automatically providing that an account, selected in the item form, is a directory account for customer of clearing type. These payments do not have to be defined by the user.


The other tabs: Analytical Description, Permissions, and History are described in the manual Getting started with Comarch ALTUM.




Adding an accounting note