Bank reconciliation


The functionality of bank reconciliation has been implemented for the USA market purposes. It is used for achieving a reconciliation between the balance of the accounting ledger and the balance of a bank statement which is usually sent by a bank at the end of a given month. 

This functionality is available in the Accounting menu under the Bank Reconciliation icon.



ALTUM image1031 Bank reconciliation

Figure 89 Bank reconciliation form.



To reconcile the accounting ledger with the bank statement, in a bank reconciliation form, select period (predefined monthly periods) the reconciliation will be made for, and an account which records will be reconciled (account must be assigned with an appropriate bank account). Next, fill in the Ending Bank Balance field. 


ALTUM image1033 Bank reconciliation

Figure 90 Expanded list of accounts in the main menu.



After completing all necessary information, a list of journal entries posted on selected account will be displayed.













ALTUM image1035 Bank reconciliation

Figure 91 Bank reconciliation form with a list of journal entries.



In order to reconcile the actual account balance with a bank statement, in the main menu, select a bank the user received the bank statement from.


ALTUM image1037 Bank reconciliation

Figure 92 Expanded list of banks in the main menu.



Then, import the sent bank statement. To do so, click [Import] in the Bank Statement button group and localize the file.


ALTUM image1039 Bank reconciliation

Figure 93 Bank statement import window.



After importing the bank statement, the bank reconciliation window is divided into two panels:

ALTUM image001 Bank reconciliation      List of journal entries – displayed in the left panel

ALTUM image001 Bank reconciliation      List of journal entries from the bank statement – displayed in the right panel

Below each list, there is a table proving a summary of cleared and uncleared values.

























ALTUM image1041 Bank reconciliation

Figure 94 Bank reconciliation window with an imported bank statement.



Between the lists, there are three parameters which the user may check or remain unchecked:

ALTUM image001 Bank reconciliation      Mark Manually – if unchecked, after selecting an entry in one of the lists, the system searches and marks a corresponding entry, matching the selected one, in the other list; if  checked, the user needs to mark an entry in the other list manually

ALTUM image001 Bank reconciliation      Show Uncleared – if checked, the system displays uncleared entries; if unchecked, the uncleared entries are hidden

ALTUM image001 Bank reconciliation      Show Cleared – if checked, the system displayed cleared entries; if unchecked, all cleared entries are hidden

Between the lists, there are also the following five buttons:

ALTUM image001 Bank reconciliation      [Clear] – enables to clear a marked journal entry with a matching entry from the bank statement

ALTUM image001 Bank reconciliation      [Undo] – cancels clearing between marked journal entry and the journal entry from the bank statement

ALTUM image001 Bank reconciliation      [Adjust] – allows to correct an amount by adding a new entry to the list of journal entries. Upon clicking on this button, a new window is opened in which the user may specify an amount by which the value of selected journal entry must be increased or decreased


ALTUM image1043 Bank reconciliation

    Figure 95 Amount adjustment form.


After saving the amount, a new entry, amounting to the adjusted value, will appear in the list of journal entries. If the amount was increased, the entry amount will be recorded on the same account side as the adjusted entry. If the amount was decreased, It will be posted on the opposite account side.   

ALTUM image001 Bank reconciliation      [Search] – allows to search for a journal entry which is not included in selected accounting period. Upon clicking on this button, the system will display a list with journal entries from among which the user may select one which will be added to the list of journal entries in the bank reconciliation

ALTUM image001 Bank reconciliation      [Clear All] – allows to clears all matching entries


The system enables also to post a discrepancy between beginning balance and ending balance, bank service charges and interest earned. In order to post those values, click [Post] in field with amount to be posted.


ALTUM image1045 Bank reconciliation

Figure 96 Amounts posting buttons in bank reconciliation.



To be able to post those values, you need to select a default posting scheme for each of them in the configuration window in the Accounting Configuration  tab.





ALTUM image1047 Bank reconciliationFigure 97Configuration window with marked posting schemes definition options for bank reconciliation.




Bank reconciliation