Adding a general account
A general account is added by clicking [Add Account on the Same Level] button. The form of the general account is the following:
Tab General
Figure 19 Tab General on the form of general account.
Mandatory fields:
Number – number of a general account. This number is unique
Name – account name
Account Type – account type which is selected from a dropdown list upon clicking on the arrow. Available account types are: Current Asset, Fixed Asset, Current Liability, Equity, Revenue, Cost of Goods Sold, Operating Expenses, Other Expenses, Other Income/Expense, Gain or Loss, Extraordinary Item, Long-Term Liability
Figure 20Drop-down list of types of accounts.
Balance Control – allows the user to specify whether the account must be subject to balance control. It means that the system, during the program session, will be checking whether the account balance is registered on the right side. In case of discrepancy, the user will receive an appropriate message. The balance control drop-down list will be displayed by clicking on the arrow
Figure 21 Balance control drop-down list.
Directory Account – if checked, it means that a given account operates in the system for particular customer/vendor, item, or employee. Such created account will appear on the chart of accounts as a subsidiary account.
A directory account, assigned to an appropriate directory, can be also added as general account. In order to do so, the option Allow for the addition of general directory accounts must be checked in the system settings.
Figure 22Drop-down list of directory accounts.
Currency – currency in which an account will be kept. The currency of general account, which already contains subsidiary accounts or posted journal entries, cannot be changed
Figure 23Drop-down list of currencies.
Clearing Account – it is checked for accounts which must be of Clearing type. In case of a subsidiary account, the clearing type is marked the same way as on a general account and it is not editable. The status of general account, which already contains subsidiary accounts or posted journal entries, cannot be changed. To select this type of account, the option: Clearing Account must be checked
Note: If general account contains subsidiary account(s), the system does not
allow the change of:
– general account number
– currency in which the account is kept
– account status
Active – this parameter is checked for accounts which status must be changed into inactive. To deactivate an account, the checkbox Active needs to be unchecked.
Tab Additional
Figure 24 Tab Additional on the account form.
In this tab, the following parameters can be set:
Transfer the opening balance - if checked, the ending balance of an account is automatically transferred at the end of the accounting period into a new accounting period as the opening balance
Create an account in the next period – if checked, the account will be transferred to the new accounting period along with all of its assigned accounts
Account number to be transferred
Account No. in the Next Period – in case of changing an account number in the next accounting period, the user may select a new account number in this field. The number can be entered manually or by clicking on the button [Account No. in the Next Period]with the left mouse button. Clicking on the button opens the chart of accounts of the next accounting period. If the next accounting period is not defined, this button is insensitive
Description – field for entering additional information about an account
After filling in all the mandatory fields, click [Save] to add a single-sided entry. Otherwise, click [Cancel]. A newly added account will be displayed on the Chart of accounts.
Tab Associated Accounts
This tab contains a list of all the accounts from the previous accounting period associated with a given account.
Tabs Permissions, Attributes, and History
Detailed description regarding these tabs can be found in the manual Getting started with Comarch ALTUM.