Adding an item to a financial statement


Statement items are added after completing a financial statement form. Items are added in tab: Statement Items.


ALTUM image950 Adding an item to a financial statementFigure 60 List of financial statement items.



Numeration – determines numeration system for statement items, that is how to number the following statement elements. A statement branches of one level can be numbered by Arabic numerals, capital Roman numerals, lower case Roman numerals, capital letters, lower case letters, or they can be left unnumbered



To add a single node:

ALTUM image001 Adding an item to a financial statement       click [Add on the Same Level] button. A Statement Item window will be opened. An item is defined in statement element form on the same level as the cursor level. It will be the following item on the same level of the hierarchy

ALTUM image001 Adding an item to a financial statement       click [Add on Lower Level] button. A Statement Item window will be opened. A child item is defined in statement element form on the next level against the cursor level


The form of single statement will be opened.

ALTUM image951 Adding an item to a financial statement

Figure 61 Statement item form.



Mandatory field:


Name – statement item name


Other fields:


Number – statement number. This number is entered automatically by the system

Amount Expression – allows the user to define an expression of an amount which must be calculated in  statement form

ALTUM image001 Adding an item to a financial statement    Amount can be specified on the last level of the tree – on a leaf

ALTUM image001 Adding an item to a financial statement    In given branch, it is possible to determine a fixed amount manually by entering it in the Amount field

ALTUM image001 Adding an item to a financial statement    Data, for the financial statements, is retrieved on the basis of the so-called Account Functions, that is:

o Opening Debit Balance – symbol @OBDr(‘ )

o Opening Credit Balance – symbol @OBCr( )

o Debits – symbol @SDT( )

o Credits – symbol @SCT( )

o Change in Debit Balance – symbol @DrBC( )

o Change in Credit Balance – symbol @CrBC( )

o Debit Balance – symbol @DrB( )

o Credit Balance – symbol @CrB( )

o Ending Balance – symbol @OnB( )

An account can be selected from the chart of accounts or entered manually using the quotation marks e.g. “100”.

ALTUM image001 Adding an item to a financial statement    Data for financial statements can be also retrieved from other financial statements


Influence on Parent ­– this parameter allows the user to specify if given branch must affect a parent branch and how this should be done (the parent branch can be increased +, decreased -, or it may have no influence at all)


After completing the fields, click [Save] in the menu. Upon saving, you may add other nodes on the statement list.




Adding an item to a financial statement