Rules for posting with the use of a posting scheme


1.    One of the schemes must be set as default

ALTUM image002 Rules for posting with the use of a posting scheme         For a specific document, an appropriate scheme must be used

ALTUM image002 Rules for posting with the use of a posting scheme         Each type of document can be posted both from the list and from the document form

2.    A posted document will be displayed in the list in different color than the other documents

3.    Trade and warehouse documents can be posted only if they are confirmed. Unconfirmed  documents cannot be posted

4.    A journal entry, created by posting a document with the use of scheme, receive the status: Unconfirmed. Such journal entry is confirmed by the user manually. It helps to avoid mistakes and generating of contra entries unnecessarily 

5.    Posted document can be canceled, providing that the journal entry had not yet been confirmed and it was deleted

ALTUM image002 Rules for posting with the use of a posting scheme         After confirming a journal entry, the source document cannot be canceled

ALTUM image002 Rules for posting with the use of a posting scheme         After deleting the journal entry, the document can be re-posted

6.    If the journal entry that was created as a result of posting with a posting scheme is corrected and the correcting entry is confirmed, the source document can be re-posted with a posting scheme

7.    Documents generated from other documents can be posted in the same way as the source documents

8.    Posting of VAT invoices:

ALTUM image001 Rules for posting with the use of a posting scheme         A manually issued invoice is posted the same way as other documents

ALTUM image001 Rules for posting with the use of a posting scheme         In case of invoice associated with a source document

Ø  the invoice cannot be posted if the source document is posted.  Such invoice is distinguished in the list with an appropriate color which indicates that it was posted

Ø  the source document cannot be posted if the invoice is posted.  Such invoice is distinguished in the list with an appropriate color which indicates that it was posted


Example of posting a document in Comarch ALTUM system


Posting is performed the same way for each type of document. Thus, the posting mechanism is described only once on the basis of purchase invoice (PI).

Posting may be completed successfully or unsuccessfully. It depends on correctness of a posting scheme that is used for posting.


Posting of a document with a correct posting scheme:


1.    Mark a document in the list with the left mouse button

2.    Click [Post] in the Posting button group

3.    The following message will be displayed “Posting has started. Document posted successfully 

4.    The newly added journal entry with status: Unconfirmed will appear in the list of journal entries (Accounting -> Ledgers)


ALTUM image919 Rules for posting with the use of a posting scheme

Figure 43 Preview of the posting process – completed successfully.



Posting of a document with an incorrect posting scheme


  1. Mark a document in the list with the left mouse button
  2. Click [Post] in the Posting button group
  3. The following message will be displayed “Posting has started (reason of failure). Posting completed unsuccessfully.” 
  4. In such case, change the posting scheme into correct scheme and re-post the document


ALTUM image920 Rules for posting with the use of a posting scheme

Figure 44 Preview of the posting process – completed unsuccessfully.




Rules for posting with the use of a posting scheme