Adding a recurring posting scheme


To add a recurring posting scheme to the opened list of schemes, click [Add] in the List button group. A recurring posting scheme form will be opened.


The menu of a recurring posting scheme form is divided into three button groups:

ALTUM image001 Adding a recurring posting scheme    Scheme with buttons: [Save], [Close]

ALTUM image001 Adding a recurring posting scheme    Actions with buttons: [Run] – initiates a posting scheme, [View Generated Entries] – displays a list of journal entries generated by scheme; each journal entry can be edited from the level of the opened list, [Refresh]

ALTUM image001 Adding a recurring posting scheme    Elements with buttons: [Add in Table], [Add through Form], [Edit], [Delete]


ALTUM image939 Adding a recurring posting schemeFigure 54Recurring posting scheme form.



Mandatory fields:


Symbol –  scheme symbol can be composed of tens characters (letters and digit) used for the easy and quick identification of particular recurring posting schemes 

Ledger – ledger in which the entries, generated with a given scheme, will be saved. It is selected from a drop-down list of available ledgers


Other fields:


Name –  scheme name can be composed of any sequence of characters (letters and digits) used for identification of a particular scheme

Document Number – field for providing a number that will identify a journal entry generated by a recurring posting scheme

Description – scheme description can be composed of  any sequence of characters (letters and digits) used for providing broader information about particular scheme


By checking the option: Post as Unconfirmed, journal entries, generated with the use of this scheme, will be saved automatically as unconfirmed. If this option remains unchecked, the journal entries will be confirmed.

The system provides also an additional function of merging single-sided entries initiated by checking the Merge Single-sided Entries option.


Adding a recurring posting scheme