Unposted entries

This scenario is described on the example of a purchase invoice.

To generate an unposted entry of a document follow these steps:


  1. In the list of PI, mark an invoice you want to post
  2. Click [View Unposted Entries] in the Posting button group
  3. A journal entry form containing appropriate data will be opened
  4. The user may:

ALTUM image002 Unposted entries       Save the unposted entry by clicking [Save] in the Unposted Entry button group. The unposted entry will be saved in the database

ALTUM image002 Unposted entries       Post the unposted entry by clicking [Post] in the Posting button group. A journal entry will be registered on the list of journal entries

ALTUM image002 Unposted entries       Add an element to the list of elements on the unposted entry form by clicking the [Add through Form]  button in the Single-Sided Entries button group. A single-sided entry form will be opened

ALTUM image002 Unposted entries       Edit single-sided entries created while generating the unposted entry by clicking the [Edit] button in the Single-Sided Entries button group. The created single-sided entries can be modified

ALTUM image002 Unposted entries       Delete single-sided entries created while generating the unposted entry by clicking the [Delete] button in the Single-Sided Entries menu

ALTUM image002 Unposted entries       Change a posting scheme by clicking [Change Posting Scheme] in the Actions button group. A list of posting schemes will be opened. In order to change the posting scheme, you need to select one from the list


Unposted entries