Trial balance
Each business transaction should be registered according to the observed double-entry bookkeeping system which allows keeping the balance equilibrium. Apart from the control function, the trial balance fulfills the information function. It provides data that is necessary in preparing of financial reports, such as the balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow statement etc., because it is the source of information about the status of particular estate components and capital.
The menu of the Trial Balance window is divided into three button groups:
List with buttons: [Close] which closes the Trial Balance window, [Calculate] which calculates the trial balance on all accounts available on the chart of accounts unless the filter settings restrict the scope of calculation, and [Export to Excel]
Account with buttons: [Journal Entries], [Trial Balance], [Edit Account]
Printouts and Reports with buttons: [Chart/Analysis], [Printout/Report]
The main Trial Balance window presents a list of accounts which can be filtered by the available parameters.
The trial balance contains the following elements:
Numbers and names of accounts
Balances of accounts on the day of opening the books
Debits and credits for reporting period and accruing debits and credits from the beginning of an accounting period
Balances at the end of the reporting period
Total balance on the day of opening the books
Currency account