Adding VAT account
To add a VAT account, first specify its type – purchase or sales. Then click [Add Account] button in the Accounts button group. A VAT account form will then be opened:
Figure 80 VAT account form.
On VAT account form, there is one mandatory field:
Account Name – VAT account name
Type – the type of account entered by default, depending on the type to which an account is being added – Purchase type or Sales type. This field is not editable.
Pattern Type – there are two possible options to select: Suggested and Obligatory.
Suggested – when adding a VAT invoice, it is possible to modify the VAT parameters and the tax point. If these parameters are different from those set in the header, they are marked in red.
Obligatory – when adding a VAT invoice, it is possible to edit the parameter and the tax point. These values are not editable.
Transaction Type – allows the assignment of the default type of transaction to a given account. The type is selected from the list that is defined in the system along with the assigned VAT parameters. By default, there are three types of transactions available: National, Intra-Community, and Non-EU. The transaction types are specified from the level of generic directories. More information on how to specify a type of transaction see the manual Comarch ALTUM Configuration.
Parameters Panel – displays all the VAT parameters associated with a given type of transaction. The panel is divided into two columns: Parameter Name and Parameter Value. Parameter value is selected from the list of values assigned to a given parameter. The values are entered into the system from the level of the generic directories.
The list of VAT parameters can be filtered by typing the searched value in the line below the column header. On the left side of that line, there is the icon . To filter the list by values, it is necessary to click the checkbox available in the left bottom corner of the list of VAT parameters window.
Tax Point – selected from among the following three default values: Date of Issue, Date of Receipt, and Due Date. Other tax points can be added from the level of Tax Point Definitions available in tab Configuration. For more information on the edition of the exiting values see the manual Comarch ALTUM Configuration.
After completing the data, click [Save]. The added VAT account will appear on the VAT accounts tree.