Adding VAT subaccount


Before adding a VAT subaccount, first its type must be specified – purchase or sales.

To be able to add a subaccount, it is necessary to check the parameter Add subaccounts available on the form of Purchase or Sales account. Checking this parameters automatically generates a default subaccount. 


ALTUM image025 Adding VAT subaccountNote: After adding a VAT invoice to a given account, it is no longer possible to add a subaccount.


A subaccount is added by clicking [Add Subaccount] in the Accounts button group. Clicking on that button opens the form of VAT subaccount. The layout of that form is the same as that of VAT account.

The only difference is that a given subaccount can be set as default by checking the parameter Set as Default. If checked, a given account will be selected by default when generating documents manually or automatically.


ALTUM image962 Adding VAT subaccount

Figure 81 VAT subaccount form.




Adding VAT subaccount