Adding an account numeration


In order to add a numeration user has to select from menu Configuration -> Accounting -> Accounts Numeration.

A list of numerations will appear.


ALTUM image790 Adding an account numeration

Figure 80 List of account numerations.



Then user has to select from menu button [Add] from group List. A new form with fields to fill in will appear.


ALTUM image791 Adding an account numeration

Figure 81 Account numeration form.



Mandatory fields:

Name -  field used to enter a name of a given numeration


After entering a name of numeration user has to enter levels of accounts. The levels are added by clicking on the button [Add Level] available in the Levels button group. In table of levels of accounts a new row will appear.


ALTUM image793 Adding an account numeration


Figure 82 Adding levels of accounts.



There are following fields present:

ALTUM image002 Adding an account numeration       Level   the system automatically enters numbers of levels. For subsidiary account it will be digit 1, for analytic account successive numbers.

ALTUM image002 Adding an account numeration       Number of Characters   number should be selected using the arrows. User can select a number within a range from 1 to 10. Selected number of characters will mean that while adding a new subsidiary account in account number user will be able to enter defined number of characters.

ALTUM image002 Adding an account numeration       Limit – in this field there are two predefined options:

Ø  Up to this number of characters –  after selecting e.g. 3 in number of characters, in account number it will be possible to enter from 1 to 3 characters

Ø  Precisely such number of characters -  after selecting e.g. 3 in number of characters, in account number it will be possible to enter exactly 3 characters.


After filling in all the fields user has to select button [Save] from group Numeration. In order to activate entered numeration user has to select button [Select] in the Numeration button group. Activated numeration will have symbol * displayed next to its name.

In order to deactivate numeration user has to select it on a list and select button [Deactivate Numeration] in the Numeration button group.


ALTUM image025 Adding an account numerationNote: User can save unlimited number of numerations, but only one of them can be active 




Adding an account numeration