Adding an account numeration
In order to add a numeration user has to select from menu Configuration -> Accounting -> Accounts Numeration.
A list of numerations will appear.
Figure 80 List of account numerations.
Then user has to select from menu button [Add] from group List. A new form with fields to fill in will appear.
Figure 81 Account numeration form.
Mandatory fields:
Name - field used to enter a name of a given numeration
After entering a name of numeration user has to enter levels of accounts. The levels are added by clicking on the button [Add Level] available in the Levels button group. In table of levels of accounts a new row will appear.
Figure 82 Adding levels of accounts.
There are following fields present:
Level – the system automatically enters numbers of levels. For subsidiary account it will be digit 1, for analytic account successive numbers.
Number of Characters – number should be selected using the arrows. User can select a number within a range from 1 to 10. Selected number of characters will mean that while adding a new subsidiary account in account number user will be able to enter defined number of characters.
Limit – in this field there are two predefined options:
Ø Up to this number of characters – after selecting e.g. 3 in number of characters, in account number it will be possible to enter from 1 to 3 characters
Ø Precisely such number of characters - after selecting e.g. 3 in number of characters, in account number it will be possible to enter exactly 3 characters.
After filling in all the fields user has to select button [Save] from group Numeration. In order to activate entered numeration user has to select button [Select] in the Numeration button group. Activated numeration will have symbol * displayed next to its name.
In order to deactivate numeration user has to select it on a list and select button [Deactivate Numeration] in the Numeration button group.
Note: User can save unlimited number of numerations, but only one of them can be active