Accounting periods


Period, for which financial statements are made in mode provided by legal rules. Calendar year or another period used in tax purposes. Accounting period or its changes are defined by status or agreement on which basis a unit was created. If unit had started its activity in the second half of defined accounting period then  financial statement and the books for this period can be connected with financial statement and the books of the next accounting period.

Periods are used in order to logically divide the database. Each accounting period has its own chart of accounts, its own set of ledgers, and general ledger is expressed in context of accounting year.


The list of accounting periods is available in the Configuration menu under Accounting button group.


ALTUM image773 Accounting periods

Figure 71 Accounting Periods registry in tab Configuration.



The accounting periods window is divided into two panels:

ALTUM image002 Accounting periods       List of accounting periods with following information: Symbol, Opening date, Closing date, Description.

ALTUM image002 Accounting periods       List of ledgers with the following information: Symbol, Name










ALTUM image774 Accounting periods
ALTUM image775 Accounting periods
ALTUM image776 Accounting periods







ALTUM image778 Accounting periods

Figure 72 List of accounting periods.




Accounting periods