List of ledgers
Ledgers allow user to categorize chronologically (day by day) events which took place in a given reporting period, according to order of journal entries. Added this way a set of data has the purpose of making an image of correctness and completeness of accounting operations collected in the books starting with a given month and ending with accounting period. General ledgers are divided into ledgers.
It’s possible to keep simultaneously several ledgers in the same accounting period, where each of them stores operations within the same type, e.g. sales transactions. Each ledger can have its own name in order to be recognizable, e.g. for cash operations CASH, for bank operations BANK or for accounting notes NOTE.
All operations are grouped in collective ledger, where their turnovers are generated.
Journal entries can be added to journal manually. Subjects to automatic posting are: invoices from VAT accounts, cash and bank documents from the Finances component.
For a given accounting period set of all ledgers compose a general ledger in which all journal entries from this period are registered.
Adding a ledger
In order to define a ledger user has to select from menu Configuration -> Accounting -> element Accounting Periods.
First he has to select an accounting period, to which he wants to add a ledger, from the left panel. Then from group Ledgers he has to select button [Add]. There will appear a new row into which he can enter ledger’s symbol and name.
After completing the data user has to select button [Save] from the Ledgers button group.
Symbol - in this field user can enter up to 50 characters (letters or digits), used for quick and easy identification of individual partial journals, e.g. shortage of name. It must be unique. It means that it’s impossible to add two or more partial journals with the same symbols.
Name - in this field user can enter up to 50 characters (letters or digits), used for more detailed description of partial period. It must be unique.
Note: It’s impossible to add two or more partial journals with the same name or symbol