The list of attributes is available in tab Configuration under the Attributes icon.
Figure 24 Attributes registry in tab Configuration.
Attributes are used for storing of additional information about the objects that are registered in the system. To each object, it is possible to assign any number of attributes. Each attribute is described with values which are then assigned to particular object instances.
Object is an integral unit of data registered in the system, e.g. in Comarch ALTUM system, the object is the Customer/Vendor, Employee, Sales Invoice, but also Invoice Item or Invoice Subitem
Object instance is a particular object of a given type, e.g. the instance of Customer object is the customer with the following TIN: 111-22-11-222
Attribute is an additional instrument, assigned to the objects, which is used for describing the objects in detail. Data specified in the attribute form is the following: data type and format, default value and other parameters. Attribute values are defined from the level of the attributes list
The attributes window is composed of two tabs: List of Attributes and List of Objects.
List of Attributes tab
This tab is divided into two panels. A list of attributes, defined by the user, is displayed in the left panel which is composed of two columns: Attribute Name, Default Value. Values, assigned to an attribute selected in the left panel, are displayed in the right panel of this tab. All operations connected with adding, editing and deleting the values are performed from the level of the values list.
Figure 25 List of attributes.
Tab List of Objects
This tab displays all the objects of the system the attributes can be assigned to. The tab is divided into three panels. A list of objects is displayed in the upper panel. That list is composed of one column: Attribute Name. Context-based attributes are displayed in the bottom panels. The left bottom panel: Attributes to be added is composed of two columns: Attribute Name and Default Value, whereas the right bottom panel: Added attributes is composed of three columns: Attribute Name, Default Value, and Required. If the field: Required is checked, it will not be possible to save a given object without defining a value for required attribute. The content of the bottom panels is displayed according to the context, i.e. according to an object marked in the upper panel.
In order to assign an attribute to an object, select attribute, in the Attributes to Be Added panel, and click [Assign] in the Object Relations button group. The selected attribute will then be transferred to the Added attributes panel and this way assigned with a given object. In order to remove the assignment between the attribute and the object, select the attribute in the Added attributes panel and click [Remove Assignment] button. The selected attribute will then be transferred back to the Attributes to be added panel.
Note: All changes, made in List of Objects tab, are saved separately for each object from the list in the upper panel. The changes are saved upon clicking [Save] in the List of Objects button group. If changes are made but not saved, then while moving on to another object, the system asks whether the changes must be saved.
Figure 26 List of objects.