Company structure
Company structure is a set of units and assigned to them employees. Each company has more or less complicated subordinate structure. Company structure is arranged as subordinate (organizational) structure of company. It provides detailed information about subordination of employees (who reports to whom). Subordinate structure is based on list of employees.
Vary important functionality is looking through company structure on a given day.
2) Subordination structure is presented on a tree.
3) Tree of subordinate structure has functionality of displaying all subordinates of a given manager and managers of a given employee.
User structure:
1) User can add his own structure which will be presented on tree
2) User can add on his own structure objects from the system and build any relations between them
The company structure is available under Subordinate Structure in tab Configuration.
Figure 67 Subordination Structure in tab Configuration.
Company structure tree
Whole company structure in COMARCH ALTUM system is based on tree view. Main group of the tree is Root i.e. root of the tree, to which all organizational units and employees are assigned. Root group can be freely edited but it can’t be deleted.
After selecting element “Subordinate Structure” a window with structure tree will be displayed.
Figure 68 Tree of the subordinate structure.
Structure on a given day
It allows user to look through history of company structure (its form on a given day).
User has to remember that:
Searching for unit or employee in the company structure
In big companies subordinate structure can be very complicated. Thus, the search option has been implemented to simplify the maneuvering through the structure.
After selecting the searched object (employee or unit), type the name of the object in field Searched Code/Name and then click [Search] in the Structure button group or click on the magnifying glass icon available next to the that field. The system will find data and highlight it in the tree structure.
The system searches for employees by name and surname but a situation may occur when there are several employees with the same name and surname – in such situation the system will find all matching employees.