

Currency register contains information about currencies, which are used by user. It results from the fact that most of companies run international business what requires transactions to be made in foreign currencies. Such dictionary stores data of currencies and their exchange rates counted up into the system currency.


System Currency – currency in which value operations are registered. All value operations will be counted up into the system currency (similarly like it’s done with warehouse stocks – they are saved only in basic unit of measure). Additionally currencies must have list of exchange rates assigned. System currency  can be changed until the first document connected with currency is issued, e.g. trade document or currency account. Setting a currency as the system currency can be done by selecting a currency and clicking [Set System Currency] button from System Currency button group.


ALTUM image648 Currencies

Figure 2 Tab Configuration with selected element Currencies.



ALTUM image025 CurrenciesNote: Only one system currency is allowed in the system.


Dictionary stores information about both active and inactive currencies. Saved data can be afterwards used for quick entering of the data, e.g. on item card, trade documents.

List of currencies can be displayed by selecting element Currencies in the Configuration menu.


The menu of the currencies window contains the following buttons: [Set System Currency], [Add], [Edit], [Delete], [Refresh], and [Update].

The list of currencies contains the registered currencies. Detailed information about the currencies is presented in the following columns: 

ALTUM image001 Currencies      Symbol – currency symbol defined in the system

ALTUM image001 Currencies      Active – currency status saying if it is active or not; this parameter can be changed by checking or unchecking the relevant field on an edited currency from

ALTUM image001 Currencies      System Currency – this parameter indicates which currency is the system’s default currency

ALTUM image001 Currencies      Exchange Rate Name – name of a defined exchange rate

ALTUM image001 Currencies      Exchange Rate Date – date of updating the exchange rate

ALTUM image001 Currencies      Exchange Rate – the recently updated currency exchange rate registered in the system

ALTUM image001 Currencies      Currency – symbol of the currency which exchange rate is being presented


ALTUM image649 Currencies

Figure 3 List of currencies.



Currencies can be filtered on the list by clicking on the column headers. They can be also filtered by type of exchange rate which can be added to the system in the Exchange Rates registry. To filter the currencies by exchange rate type, select a type of exchange rate in the Exchange Rate Type field below the list and then click on the filter button.



