Adding a new currency
In order to define a new currency user has to fill in form containing basic information about an object. Button [Add] from the List button group opens a new card:
Figure 4 Currency form.
In order to be able to save a currency, user has to fill in following obligatory fields:
Symbol – in this field user can enter unlimited series of characters (letters or digits), used for quick and easy identification of individual currencies, e.g. shortage of name. It must be unique. It means that it’s impossible to add two or more currencies with the same symbols. In such situation the system doesn’t allow user to save a currency with already existing symbol by displaying proper message.
Name - in this field user can enter unlimited series of characters (letters or digits), used for more detailed description of an object. It must be unique.
Exchange Rate Type – type of the exchange rate for which the exchange rate values will be defined
Note: It’s impossible to add several currencies with the same symbol or name
The system allows user to set one more parameter which defines activity of currency – Active Currency. It’s marked by default while opening a new form, and it means that currency is active. Its unchecking causes currency to become archival, i.e. it can’t be used, e.g. it can’t be assigned to any documents. There is a reason for it in situation when company makes trade transactions with customer from country with currency: USD and in one moment it stops its cooperation with this customer. Then in order to make work with system easier, such currency can be set as inactive and it won’t be visible on currency selection lists. All objects already saved with inactive currency stay unchanged.
Note: The activity status of the system currency cannot be changed.
On the form user can select exchange rate type and assign proper rates, i.e. values.
Exchange Rate – conversion rate of foreign (not system) currency into system currency. Entered values of exchange rate will be visible on documents issued in a foreign currency after selecting proper exchange rate type, for which exchange rate was established on a proper date.
Date – date of obligatory of a given exchange rate.
One currency can have several exchange rates (purchase, sales, average exchange rate).
Note: Values of exchange are saved with precision to four places after coma
Exchange rates should be entered on each day (historicity). The system doesn’t allow user to add several exchange rates on one day for the same type, in such case proper message is displayed.
Note: It’s impossible to add several exchange rates on one day