Adding a new type of exchange rate


In order to add exchange rate type user has to select button [Add] from the List button group. Exchange rate type form will appear.


ALTUM image654 Adding a new type of exchange rate

Figure 7 Adding a new type of exchange rate.



In order to add a new type of exchange rate user has to fill in the field:

Name - in this field user can enter up to 50 characters (letters or digits), used for more detailed description of an object.

Additionally user can enter following information:

WWW – field for entering a website address where exchange rates can be found

Assembly – displays the path to the file with .dll extension from which a currency exchange rate is imported. The indicated file:

ALTUM image001 Adding a new type of exchange rate      can be defined by the user

ALTUM image001 Adding a new type of exchange rate      may run the service with the use of which the exchange rates will be imported


Ask about exchange rates during system startup – this parameter allows user to define about which type of exchange rates the system should ask when launching the system


Asking about currency exchange rate

Comarch ALTUM system allows user to define exchange rates at the start of the system for these currencies which have no value assigned for a given day. If exchange rates weren’t added on a given day then after the system starts, a window asking about possibility of entering exchange rates is displayed. Default value of each currency is the value from the previous day. For example: if Comarch ALTUM last time was started one week ago, then values of exchange rates of a given currency from last week will appear. If such value doesn’t exist, then default value will be 1.


Additionally, in order to limit possibility of entering values of exchange rates, user can decide which types of exchange rates will be displayed on a window asking about exchange rates on a given day. In case, when no exchange type will be set window asking about exchange rates on a given day will not appear.

After checking the parameter Ask about exchange rates during system startup, when logging in to the system, the user will receive the following message:


ALTUM image655 Adding a new type of exchange rate

Figure 8 Message regarding the specification of exchange rates.



When user accepts the message a window of new exchange rate definition will appear. Then user should act according to description of Adding exchange rate value. On exchange rate value form row with currency which values weren’t defined on a given day will be marked with red color.


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Figure 9 Exchange rate value update form.



Adding exchange rate value

This part of the form contains a list of all the defined currencies (see chapter: Currencies), except the system currency.


Meaning of individual elements:

Day – date as of which the value of exchange rate entered below becomes effective. This date can be entered manually on the keyboard or selected from the built-in calendar expanded with the downwards arrow available next to the date field

Quantity – number of currency units converted to the system currency. This value can be entered manually by typing it on the keyboard or with the user of the arrows

Symbol – symbol of foreign currency for which exchange rate value will be entered

Value – value of foreign currency exchange rate converted to the system currency. This value can be entered manually on the keyboard or with the use of arrows which become active upon clicking the left mouse button on the field in the column Value

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The system currency is USD. In the system there were two additional foreign currencies defined, which company uses in trade transactions.

The value of exchange rate of “FED” type must be specified on the day 2009-04-24:

1 PLN = 3,4523 USD

100 USD = 280.4123 PLN

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Figure 10 Defined values of exchange rate for FED.


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After entering value on a given date, it has to be saved by selecting [Save] from the Type/Exchange Rates button group. Then next values of exchange rate can be added for next days.

If user changes date without saving exchange rate values, the system will show proper warning: Values of exchange rates have been changed. Do you want to save the changes and refresh the list of values for the selected day?.




Adding a new type of exchange rate