Document types


Comarch ALTUM system allows user to manage all documents of a given type. It allows user to define some parameters which will characterize given type of document. It includes both some features and the whole process of managing the documents.

Types of documents constitute predefined list which is created while generating a database. This list contains all types of documents which can be used within the system. It is not possible to add a new type of document, it is only possible to edit the existing ones.



ALTUM image025 Document typesNote: From the level of the Document Types registry it is not possible to change certain options, nor is it possible to assign warehouses to document types. These operations are, however, allowed from the level of the company structure – document types can be edited from that level within a given center.



List of types of documents can be displayed by selecting proper menu option: Configuration -> Document Types.


ALTUM image719 Document types

Figure 40 Document Types in tab Configuration.



List of document types

The document types window is available in tab Configuration under the icon Document Types. The window is composed of two panels. The left panel contains the tree with groups of document types. The panel on the right contains the list of document types available in a given group. On that list, the code and name of document type is presented.


ALTUM image720 Document types

Figure 41 List of document types.



The panel with the tree is maintained by the following buttons:

[Add Group] – allows for the addition of a new group of document types

[Edit Group] – allows changing the name of the group

[Delete Group] – removes the selected group

[Refresh] – refreshes the groups tree


Once you add a group and mark it on the tree, the panel on the right will be divided into two subpanels:


ALTUM image001 Document types      Document Types in Group [name of the group]

ALTUM image001 Document types      Unassigned Document Types


Here it is possible to add the unassigned document types from the bottom subpanel to the upper subpanel by clicking on the button [Attach to Group] which is available in the menu or directly above the Unassigned Document Types subpanel.

Document types can be removed from a given group by clicking on the button [Detach from Group].


ALTUM image722 Document types

Figure 42 Attaching document types to group.



The list is maintained only by the following two buttons:

[Edit] – open document type form, after previous selection of type of document which will be edited

[Refresh] – refreshes, updates information on a list, downloads data from database




Document types