Generic directories


Defining of generic directories facilitates the work with the system. Once saved data can be reused without being entered each time it is necessary.

Data inserted into generic directories can be translated into foreign languages. The system is maintained in the following languages: Polish, English (US), English (GB), German, Ukrainian, and French.

The list of generic directories is available in the Configuration menu under the Generic Directories icon.


ALTUM image676 Generic directories

Figure 20 Generic Directories in tab Configuration.


ALTUM image678 Generic directoriesFigure 21 List of generic directories.



The list of generic directories is composed of the directory groups tree and the list of directory values. After selecting a directory on the groups tree, the directory values are displayed on the list. Directory groups can be added on the tree only to the group Root. It is not possible to add any subgroups to the directory groups. Given generic directory can be added only to one group.  

Operations performed on the groups tree are maintained with the use of buttons available in the menu, as in case of the customers and vendors tree or items tree. When adding a new group, it is necessary to give the group name. The parameter: System is inactive and it informs the user whether given group was added by the user or while creating a database. If this parameter is checked, the element of the group can be neither deleted nor edited. A group with generic directories assigned to it cannot be removed, either.


Information displayed on the list of directory values is the following: Value, Description, Active, Default.


Values of a given directory are marked on the list in two colors. Blue means that the value was added by the manufacturers of Comarch ALTUM, whereas black indicates the value added by the user.


Below the list of values, there is a filter which allows filtering the directories by their values or the value descriptions. It is also possible to display only those values which are active.




Generic directories