

The systems of ERP class must provide the recording of information about the changes of data made by the users. For example a given user might want to know who has changed data in a document, who confirmed it, who posted it etc. The objects, whose data and its changes must be recorded, can be selected in Comarch ALTUM system individually by the user. The user can also specify whether the full history of these changes must be recorded or just the information about the recent modification.

Information, recorded in Comarch ALTUM system, is the following:

ALTUM image002 History       Who (application user) performed an operation

ALTUM image002 History       Operation type (addition, modification, deletion)

ALTUM image002 History       Operation date

ALTUM image002 History       Object involved in the operation


Configuration of changes registration

Configuration of changes registration is available in tab Configuration under History -> Configuration History.


ALTUM image812 History

Figure 95 History Configuration in tab Configuration.



In Comarch ALTUM, it is possible to determine which objects must be audited, that is which objects the system must register information about regarding their modification.


ALTUM image814 History

Figure 96 History configuration.



The List and the History are maintained by the following buttons:

[Save] – saves all changes entered on the list

[Refresh] – updates data, i.e. retrieves the data from the database

[Close] – cancels the entered changes and closes the form

[View History] – opens a list with changes made in the forms of particular objects from a given group


The list contains the following information:


Object Name – name of an object that must be audited

Active – if checked, the history of a given object will be recorded. If unchecked, the history of changes will not be saved

History Incrementally – this parameter allows to state whether the recent modification must be recorded only or the whole history of changes. If checked, the entire history of changes will be saved

In case of objects including the history incrementally option, an additional tab: History of changes is added. In this tab, a list of all changes and information about a type of operations, the user who modified the data and the modification date is displayed. 


ALTUM image815 History

Figure 97 Tab History of Changes on the customers and vendors group form.



If the History Incrementally parameter is unchecked, instead of the addition tab: History of Changes, a book symbol will appear in a given object form. By hovering the mouse over that symbol, the information about the recent modification will be displayed.



ALTUM image816 History

Figure 98 Tab General on the form of customers/vendors group.



