

Each one of document types can have its own numeration schema (i.e. numerator) defined. Numerator can be defined by user according to his preferences. During the system installation  for each document type there is automatically created numeration schema. It can be changed until first document is issued. Numerator is defined in Configuration -> Numerators.


ALTUM image741 Numerators

Figure 51 Numerators registry in tab Configuration.


ALTUM image025 NumeratorsNote: Numerator can be changed until the first document of a given type is issued.


Documents numeration

Numerator of a document consists of separate elements (sections) insulated by separators. Numerator has to assigned to document type (see chapter Document types) in order to appear on a given document type.

ALTUM image743 Numerators

Figure 52 List of numerators.



Individual sections – elements of number can contain: document symbol, month, 4 or 2-digit calendar year, financial year, number, document series, warehouse, account, database installation, and workstation.


ALTUM image744 Numerators

Figure 53 Numerator sections.


Each type of document in Comarch ALTUM system can have its own numerator defined. A numerator  can consist of ten sections maximum. Sections can contain:

Document Symbol – symbol is obligatory section in document numeration schema. Document symbols must be unique within the system (not only within class) – thanks to that there will never be two documents of different types with the same number. They should contain only letters or digits (especially shouldn’t contain characters “/” and “@”). Document symbols  are defined on the level of document type for each type individually. After placing such symbol in a numerator, in number on document the symbol from document type will appear (see chapter Document types)

Month – two characters (digits) defining the month. If document number contains month – then together with change of month on document the system will change the digit symbolizing month in document number

4 or 2- Digit Calendar Year – four- or two-digit calendar year retrieved from the system date of a computer

Financial Year – four-digit sign of accounting year. Accounting year can differ from calendar year. Its length and date of start can be defined in the system configuration (see chapter Document types)

Number – it’s a changeable part of full document number. For each issued document of a given type, the system will increase section with number at rate of 1. Number can consist of unlimited number of digits and it will be displayed with leading zeros, e.g. number of digits in number equals 4, number of document will be: 0001.

Document Series – in this field, depending on document type, name of series assigned to document or series of issued document can be used. Series of a given document type is defined on the level of document type (see chapter Document types).

Account – name of cash or bank account


ALTUM image025 NumeratorsNote: For reports and cash – bank operations REGISTER should be obligatory element of number. Only then it’s possible to achieve separate numeration of reports and operations within each register 


Warehouse – name of warehouse assigned to issued document (e.g. PI, WM-, POR, SOR etc.)

For each element of number user can select one of positions mentioned above. Defining contents of next elements of number the system displays on the screen example number of document.

Database Installation – enters the name of database installation to a document. The name can be specified in the Database Configuration tab available in the configuration window

Workstation – any sequence of characters connected with a subsidiary or a workstation


Numerator doesn’t have to contain all elements mentioned above. Only three of them are obligatory: symbol of document, number and year. Number can contain maximum six elements. In case of lack of one of obligatory elements, the system won’t allow user to save changes by displaying proper message, e.g. “Numerator must contain precisely one segment with number”. The system allows user to define only one segment with year, it’s impossible to define schema containing calendar year 2- and 4-digit and accounting year – only one of them can be selected. In such situation the system displays proper message: „Numerator must contain precisely one segment with year”. Each segment of numerator must be separated with one of allowed separators, which can be one of characters available on keyboard, e.g.: /, , *, -, +, etc.


ALTUM image025 NumeratorsNote: None of the numerator section can be left empty.


Whole window of numerator is divided into: left panel – containing list of defined numerators and right panel – containing definition of one selected numerator. 


To define a new numeration scheme, click [Add] in the List button group and then enter the name of numerator and define the numerator’s segments. While adding new sections, in field Example the system displays  schema being defined, together with separators. Individual segments of numerator can be selected from predefined list of available functions. In order to display this list user has to click the arrow in field [select function] in column Function, in a row which will appear after clicking button [Add Element] in the Numerator Elements button group. While defining element user has to remember about separators which separate individual segments. If a given segment should affect numerator then user has to define also parameter Affects.

For segment Number it’s possible to define number of digits of the number. After selecting or highlighting (if it was already selected) Number function, at the bottom of the window appears additional row in which user can enter number of digits. The number of digits can be specified manually using the keyboard or in the column Value using upwards/downwards arrows.


For each element of numerator it is possible to determine whether a given section affects the document number or not. If this parameter is selected, then each time any of the numerator segments which affects the document number is changed, the document numeration will start from the beginning, that is from number 1.


ALTUM image027 Numerators 


One of segments of numerator of opening balance documents is accounting year, which additionally has marked parameter “Affects”. It means that for accounting period 2007 (which stands through the whole calendar year 2007), OB documents get successive numbers, e.g. BO/2007/0001, BO/2007/0002, … to BO/2007/0100. Next document is issued in next accounting period 2008 will get number BO/2008/0001. If this segment didn’t have this parameter marked then document issued in period 2008, would have next number: BO/2008/0101.

ALTUM image027 Numerators 


Functions characteristic for numerator

The form of numerator is maintained by functions characteristic for it. Some of them relate to list of numerators, the rest to definition of numeration schema. Meaning of buttons from group Numerators:

[Add]– used for definition of a new schema, causes display of a new form of numerator definition, without any segments

[Delete]– used for removal of selected on the list numerator. It’s deleted permanently and there is no possibility of getting it back. That’s why after selecting this function the system displays warning with question if it should be deleted, in order to avoid accidental  removal of an object


ALTUM image025 NumeratorsNote: Numerator can be deleted until it has been used in the system


[Refresh] – refreshes data in the window, downloads data from database


Functions from group Numerator Elements are used to define a new numerator:

[Add Element] – adds another section in numerator. It causes new row with segment definition to appear  

[Delete Element] – deletes selected segment of numerator

[Up/Down] – these functions are used in order to set correct sequence of segments of numerator. They move selected element one position up or down


Button available in the Numerator button group:

[Save] – saves newly added numerator or entered changes

[Cancel] – closes window of numerator without saving changes



Rules for defining numerator

During definition of numeration schema user has to remember about following rules:

ALTUM image001 Numerators      Contents of section must be unique

ALTUM image001 Numerators      Contents of section can’t be empty

ALTUM image001 Numerators      Numerator must contain: document symbol, document number and one of following: calendar year 2- or 4-digit or accounting year

ALTUM image001 Numerators      Each section must be separated with separator

ALTUM image001 Numerators      Register isn’t obligatory but it should appear in numeration of documents from Cash/Bank module

ALTUM image001 Numerators      Calendar year (both 4- and 2-digit) and accounting year can’t be present in one document number at the same time

ALTUM image001 Numerators      Empty section can appear only as the last section. It means that the shortest number consists of three sections.

ALTUM image001 Numerators      Sequence of sections is unrestricted

ALTUM image001 Numerators      Numerator can be changed as long as there was no document, of a type to which numerator is assigned, issued

ALTUM image001 Numerators      Numerator can contain maximum 6 sections

ALTUM image001 Numerators      Each numerator must have unique name

Numerator can be deleted until it’s used for the first time in the system



