Price types
In this place of the system user can define types of prices, which will be used in further work with the system. Types of prices receive one of the two parameters: For released items and For received items. First ones are characteristic for sales transactions and will be available from the level of both trade and warehouse release documents, e.g. SI or SOR. The other ones will allow user to define price on receipt documents, e.g. PI or POR. They will be used in definition of price lists of a given type (for released items and for received items). The added price types will be available either in the Sales component or in the Purchase component, depending on the selected parameter. Price types with For released items parameter are dedicated to the Sales component, whereas that with the For received items parameter are specific for the Purchase component.
The list of all defined types of prices can be found in the Price Types registry.
Figure 60 Price Types registry in tab Configuration.
Price types can be defined both for released items and for received items. In tab Sales, it is possible to add only price types for released items and it tab Purchase – only price types for received items.
For each of the price parameters, only one price type can be determined as default.
Figure 61 List of price types.
When creating a database, there are three types of prices defined automatically: retail, wholesale, and purchase. Depending on preferences user can edit them or even delete.
For example type of price “Purchase” is of receipt kind, i.e. prices of items on receipt documents (e.g. PI or POR) will be retrieved from active price list for this type of price. Type of price “Retail” or “Wholesale” – prices from current price list for this type of price will be retrieved on release documents (e.g.: SOR, SI).
Note: There can’t be several default types of prices for prices with the same character, e.g. for types of prices with release character only one of them can be default
Detailed description on how to define price types can be found in the manual Comarch ALTUM Trade and Warehouse -> Price Types.
In order to add type of price user has to select button [Add] from group of buttons List. On the list a new row will appear.