How to assign an account to a security group

In order to assign an account to a group user has to:

  1. Open list of security groups
  2. Open group form:
    1. By adding a new group – clicking [Add] from menu List
    2. By editing existing group – clicking [Edit] from menu List
  3. Select an account which will be assigned to a group on the list of unassigned accounts (on the left side)
    1. If account which could be added doesn’t exist than user has to add an account
  4. Select function [Add to Group] from menu Relations
    1. Account will be moved to the list of assigned accounts (on  the right side)
  5. steps 3-4 should be repeated until all required accounts will be assigned to the group
  6. select button [Save] from menu Group


How to assign an account to a security group