How to take away the permissions from B2_default group for deleting of unconfirmed SI

While generating database, user groups: B2_ admin and B2_default have permissions to execute all the actions. In order to delete permissions for users assigned to group Comarch ALTUM default user has to:

  1. Open list of all document types by selecting proper option from menu (Configuration -> General -> Document Types)
  2. select (highlight) type of document with code SI and name Sales invoice
  3. edit selected document type by selecting function [Edit] or clicking twice on selected type
  4. move to tab Diagram
  5. select arrow symbolizing action of removal of unconfirmed document (it’s arrow leading from status Unconfirmed  to Deleted
  6. edit action by selecting it and clicking button [Edit] from menu Actions or clicking the arrow twice
    1. window will become divided into two panels (change of permissions can be done in the right one)
    2. click a square with green mark next to group name: B2_default
    3. mark disappears
  7. save changes – by clicking [Save] from menu Actions save whole edited document type – by clicking [Save] from menu Document Type
  8. after logging in user from B2_default group, which doesn’t belong to B2_admin group, after selecting draft SI on list of invoices – function Delete will be inactive



How to take away the permissions from B2_default group for deleting of unconfirmed SI