Adding VAT parameter
A new VAT parameter can be added by clicking [Add Parameter] in the List button group. The form of VAT parameter contains the following fields:
Name – field for entering the name of a new parameter
Description – field for providing description to the added parameter
Active – this parameter is checked, by default, and it indicates the activity status of VAT parameter. If unchecked, a given VAT parameter becomes archival, which means that it can no longer be used in the system
Account – VAT accounts: Sales or Purchase in which given parameter is available
Figure 88 VAT parameter form.
The specified VAT parameter is saved by clicking [Save] in the Actions button group.
To registered parameters, it is possible to add elements which are defined the same way as parameters. An element can be added after selecting a parameter it must be added to and then clicking [Add Element]. Such defined parameter with elements assigned must then be added to one of the main parameters. On the edited form of one of the main parameter’s elements: National, Intra-community, Non-EU, click [Add] to open the list of available parameters. The selection of parameter must be confirmed by clicking [Select] in the Selection button group.
Figure 89 Attaching of VAT parameter to the main parameter.