How to divide payment from the level of a document

A company issues a sales invoice amounting to 3000 USD for customer X. While issuing the invoice, the customer decides to pay only part of the SI value (1000 USD in cash) and the rest of the amount (2000 USD by bank transfer) will be paid by customer Y. In this situation the payment must be divided as follows:  


1.     issue SI/2007//00001

a.     payment amounting to 3000 USD, on customer X, with current due date and a default payment form: Cash, is automatically generated in Payment Details window

2.     due to the fact that the payment is not to be completed entirely – it needs to be divided

a.     open the Payment Details window in the sales invoice form

b.     mark payment which must be divided by clicking on it with the left mouse button

c.     click [Divide] in the Payment Plan Functions buttons group

d.     complete data in the new payment form (see chapter Dividing payment)

                          i.        name

                         ii.        payer – select customer Y

                        iii.        payment form – bank transfer

                        iv.        planned due date – after 14 days

                         v.        amount – cannot be higher than the value of divided payment – 2000 USD

e.     save the entered data by clicking the [Save] button in the Payment buttons group

3.     two payments will appear on the list:

a.     one payment amounts to 1000 USD with payer X and payment form: Cash

b.     second payment amounts to 2000 USD with payer Y, payment form: Bank transfer and expected due date after 14 days

4.     save SI permanently

a.     in the opened Accounts Payable Confirmation window, confirm the received cash amounted to 1000 USD

b.     upon confirmation, there will be two payments for one SI registered automatically in the payment plan

                          i.        one paid – 1000 USD

                         ii.        second unpaid – 2000 USD

c.     one transaction, amounting to 1000 USD, which completes the first payment will appear on the list of cash-bank transactions

5.     SI will receive status: Partially Paid


How to divide payment from the level of a document