Completion of payment from the level of cash/bank transactions


In order to complete a payment from the level of cash/bank transactions, open the list of cash/bank transactions by clicking [C/B Transactions] in the Finances tab. On the list of transactions, edit the completed transaction and go to tab Payments.


ALTUM image099 Completion of payment from the level of cash/bank transactions

Figure 28 Tab Payments.



The tab Payments is composed of two panels.


In the upper panel – Documents to Be Paid, all unapplied payments that are associated with the payer selected in the General tab are displayed.


In case of transaction of revenue type which value is greater than zero, and that of expense type which value is less than zero, all uncompleted receivables are displayed in this panel.


In case of transaction of expense type which value is greater than zero, and that of revenue type which value is less than zero, all uncompleted payables are displayed in this panel.



ALTUM image062 Completion of payment from the level of cash/bank transactionsNote: Payments and cash/bank transactions which values equal to zero are not displayed in this panel.


Below the panel, the columns Amount and To Be Applied are summed up. The totals indicate the total of receivables/payables/transactions to be applied by the payer and the total remaining amount to be applied. Only those items which are marked on the list are summed up.


The lower panel presents a list of documents from which the document being edited was completed or compensated.


Cash/bank transactions can be completed from the level of this tab in two ways:


1) by clicking on the button [Combine]

In order to complete a given transaction, in the upper panel, mark an unapplied payment from which the transaction must be completed and then click [Combine] in the Payment button group. Instead of clicking on that button, you may also double click on the selected receivable/payable. After completion, the document completing the given transaction will appear in the lower panel. If the document being paid is entirely completed from the given transaction, it is removed from the upper panel with the list of documents to be paid and it is displayed in the lower panel with the list of paid documents.


ALTUM image101 Completion of payment from the level of cash/bank transactions

Figure 29 Tab Payments with completed payment (CD).



In order to remove the completion, mark the paid document in the lower panel and click on the button [Remove Completion]. Instead of clicking on that button, you may also double click on the paid document. The completion will be removed and the paid document will appear again as unpaid document in the upper panel on the list of documents to be paid.


Upon the completion, both payments and cash/bank transactions receive the status Applied (or Open in the payment/transaction was not fully completed).


2) by clicking on the button [Complete]

In order to complete a particular payment or transaction, on the list of transactions, mark the transaction you want to complete and then click [Complete]. Clicking on that button opens the list of open payments. After selecting a proper payment, click on the button [Combine]. Fully completed payment and transaction receive the status Applied.




Completion of payment from the level of cash/bank transactions