Exchange rate difference document
To view the details of a document, mark one of the documents on the list and then click [Edit] in the Actions buttons group. Clicking on that button opens the form of the exchange rate difference document.
Figure 27 Exchange rate difference document form.
Because the system calculates the exchange rate differences automatically, the document form is not editable. Below is the following data presented in tab Associated Documents:
Exchange rate differences
Document Number – exchange rate difference document number
Difference Value – actual value of created exchange rate difference
Paid – completed amount of created difference
Type – type of created exchange rate difference: Revenue or Expense
Document being paid
Planned Payment – number of payment created from the invoice
Expected Date – expected due date
Value – document amount already paid
Type – payment type: Revenue or Expense
Payment document
Transaction – transaction number created from the sales invoice
Created On – payment registration date
Value – document amount
Type – transaction type: Revenue or Expense
Note: The exchange rate, by which the exchange rate difference is calculated, is retrieved from the cash-bank transaction creation date.
In tab Attributes, it is possible to add attributes to a document. More information on how to assign attribute values to an object can be found in the manual Comarch ALTUM Configuration.
More information regarding the tab Analytical Description, however, can be found in the manual Getting started with Comarch ALTUM.