Defining the format of the imported bank statements


Clicking on the button [Define Format] opens the window with the list of all defined formats of bank statements.


The window menu contains the following standard buttons: [Add], [Edit], [Delete], [Cancel].


ALTUM image043 Defining the format of the imported bank statements

Figure 9 The window with defined formats of the imported bank statements.



Each defined format contains defined parameters arranged in columns and they are the following: Id, Name, Extension, Format, Is CSV Format, File Extension, Active, Date Format, Decimal Point, Description, Field Separator, Footer Lines, Header Lines, Line Separator, Field Separator Used, Text Delimiter, Text Delimiter Substitute, Thousands Separator, Transaction Information Separator, Text Written in Capital Letters, Encoding, Fields, Hide When Changing.


To add a new format, click [Add]. A CSV format editor window will open.


ALTUM image045 Defining the format of the imported bank statements

Figure 10 CSV format editor window.



The editor window is divided into three panels:

ALTUM image001 Defining the format of the imported bank statements      Format Details – panel for specifying the name of the format and for explaining its purpose,

ALTUM image001 Defining the format of the imported bank statements      Format Properties – panel for determining the properties of the parameters characteristic for a given format of bank statement,

ALTUM image001 Defining the format of the imported bank statements      Field Formats – panel for selecting and determining the order of field included on the imported bank statements.


After filling in the fields, it is possible to save the format by clicking [Save Format] or cancel the entered data by clicking [Cancel].




Defining the format of the imported bank statements