List of reports
The list of reports is available in the Finances tab under the C/B Reports section and it is divided into cash and bank reports.
Because both report forms are filled out the same way, they will be presented on the example of cash reports.
The window menu is divided into five button groups:
List with buttons: [Add], [Edit], [Delete], [Refresh], [Open Report], [Renumber Reports]
Report’s Exchange Rates with button: [View Exchange Rates]
Printouts and Charts with buttons: [Chart/Analysis], [Printout/Report]
Cash – Bank Transactions with buttons: [Add], [Edit], [Delete], [Complete], [Renumber No.]
Posting with buttons: [Post], [View Unposted Entries], [Manual Posting], [View Journal Entry], [Post Through Contra Account]
Figure 11 List of cash reports.
Information about the reports that is displayed on the list is the following:
Number – report number
Reference Number
Cash register / Bank account a report is created for
Report opening date
Report closing date
Beginning balance
Amount of revenues in the report
Amount of expenses in the report
Report ending balance
Report currency
Report status: Open or Closed