Adding a receivable/payable


A payment is added by clicking [Add] in the List buttons group. Clicking on that button opens the payment form.




ALTUM image064 Adding a receivable/payable

ALTUM image066 Adding a receivable/payable

Figure 16Receivable form.



Receivable document header

ALTUM image068 Adding a receivable/payable

Figure 17 Payment header.



The header of receivable is composed of three sections.


The first section Document contains the following data:

Reference Number – in case of automatically added payments, this is the number of the document a given payment refers to. In case of manually registered receivables/payables, this is any number entered by the user

Document Date – in case of a manually added payment, this is the date of that payment and that date is editable. In case of receivables/payables created from other documents, this is the date of issue of the reference document 


The second section Parameters contains the following data:


Payment Type – determines the type of a given payment: receivable or payable

Payment – refers to the status of completed documents associated with a given payment. When registering a payment, it receives one of the two values:

ALTUM image002 Adding a receivable/payable      Is subject – selected if payment must be subject to completion and the current amount of payment is zero, e.g. an invoice with a deferred payment

ALTUM image002 Adding a receivable/payable      Is not subject – selected if payment must not be subject to completion



The last section of the header – Value contains the following data:


Currency – determines the currency of receivable/payable

Value – entered manually or with the use of arrows. This field is mandatory

Paid – the amount calculated in the specified currency on the basis of the registered receivables/payables. This field is not editable

To be Paid – the amount calculated as a difference between the value of receivable/payable and the paid amount. This field is not editable


In case of receivable/payable defined in a non-system currency, the section Value of the header is completed with the conversion rate and it looks as follows:


ALTUM image070 Adding a receivable/payable

Figure 18 The header of receivable/payable expressed in non-system currency.



Tab General

ALTUM image072 Adding a receivable/payable

Figure 19 Tab General on the form of payment.



Tab General is composed of two panels: Payment and Payer.


The Payment panel contains the following fields:

Due Date – date of effecting payment

Number of Days of Delay – number of days by which the realization of payment can be postponed against due date

Expected Due Date – due date + acceptable delay

Payment Form – specifies the form of effecting the payment. It is selected from the list of payment forms dropped down with the arrow on the right side of this field

Account – account in which a given payment will be registered

Description – field for providing description of the receivable/payable



The Payer panel contains the following data:


ALTUM image036 Adding a receivable/payable Customer –  field for entering the name of entity the payment is assigned to. The entity can be a customer, an employee, an institution or a bank. These options are available under the ALTUM image037 Adding a receivable/payable button. Depending on the selected entity type, a corresponding list of entities will be opened (customers, employees, institutions or banks)

Bank Account – number of bank account of the selected payer. The bank account is selected from among all active bank accounts of a given payer

Bank – abbreviation of the bank in which the payer’s bank account is kept. Upon the selection of bank account, the code and the name of the bank is filled in automatically



Tab Entity

ALTUM image073 Adding a receivable/payable

Figure 20 Tab Entity.



This tab contains details of the given payer, such as:

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      Code

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      Name

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      List of address types

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      Address details

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      Contacts


More information regarding this tab can be found in the manual Comarch ALTUM Directories under the customer form description.




In this tab it is possible to complete a payment from the registered cash-bank transactions.

ALTUM image075 Adding a receivable/payable

Figure 21Transactions tab.



This tab is composed of two panels.


In the upper panel – Documents to Be Paid, all unapplied cash-bank transactions that are associated with the payer selected in the General tab are displayed.


Transactions displayed in this panel from the level of the list of receivables are those of revenue type with value greater than zero and those of expense type with value less than zero.


Transactions displayed in this panel from the level of the list of payables are those of expense type with value greater than zero and those of revenue type with value less than zero.



ALTUM image062 Adding a receivable/payableNote: It is not possible to complete receivables/payables which value equals to zero.


ALTUM image062 Adding a receivable/payableNote: The panel Documents to Be Paid does not display the cash-bank transactions with zero value.



Information displayed in the Documents to Be Paid panel is the following:

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      Document Number

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      Reference Number

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      Entity

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      Amount

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      To Be Applied

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      Document Date

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      Currency


Below the panel, the columns Amount and To Be Applied are summed up. The totals indicate the total of receivables/payables/transactions to be applied by the payer and the total remaining amount to be applied.


Below the panel Documents to Be Paid, there is the parameter Compensations. Checking it displays the payments of the opposite type in the Documents to Be Paid panel. In case of completing receivables, those payments will be the payer’s unapplied payables. In case of completing payables, however, there will be the unapplied receivables against the payer additionally displayed.  


The panel at the bottom – Paid Documents presents a list of documents from which the edited document was completed of compensated. Information displayed in this panel is the following:

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      Document Number

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      Reference Number

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      Entity

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      Amount

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      To Be Applied

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      Document Date

ALTUM image001 Adding a receivable/payable      Currency



ALTUM image062 Adding a receivable/payableNote: The Documents to Be Paid panel contains only transactions (deposits/withdrawals) and payments of opposite type associated with a given customer/vendor/employee/institution/bank whose payment is being completed.


ALTUM image062 Adding a receivable/payableNote: Both completion and removal of completion between payment and cash-bank transaction is registered in the system at once. The buttons [Save] and [Close] do not affect the registration or lack of registration of the payment completion. Combination of transaction with payment is registered in the database at once regardless of whether we click [Save] or [Close].


More information about payments and compensations can be found in chapter regarding payments and compensations.

Tab Terms

For more information see chapter Terms.


Tab Permissions

More information regarding this tab can be found in the manual Getting started with Comarch ALTUM.


Tab Attributes

Detailed information about how to assign attribute values to an object can be found in the manual Comarch ALTUM Configuration in chapter describing the attributes.


Once the mandatory fields are filled in, the payment can be saved. Upon saving, the payment will appear on the list of payments. The saved payment can then be completed or compensated.




Adding a receivable/payable