Combining payments


In many purchase/sales transactions, very often payments are combined into one.

Payments can be combined both from the level of a document (list of payments) and from the list of deposited and withdrawn payments available under Payments in the Finances tab (see chapter List of deposited and withdrawn payments).


To combine payments:

1.     on the payments list, mark the payments which you want to combine

2.     then click the [Combine] button in the menu

In the opened window, enter information about the new (registered) payment.

The value of the newly created payment equals to total amount of all (marked) payments being combined. Neither these values nor the payment currency can be changed. 

The other information, such as: bank, payment form, date, acceptable delay, is copied to the new payment from the other payments. However, all this information can be modified.


ALTUM image080 Combining payments 


While issuing a sales invoice amounting to 300 USD, it was decided that the payment, which originally was divided into two separate ones: 50 USD completed in cash once the invoice was issued and 250 USD by bank transfer, would be completed entirely by bank transfer (because of the lack of cash). Thus, the two payments are combined into one (paid by bank transfer).

While combining the payments, the information about the payment form, due date and a bank must be provided.

Upon the confirmation of all the date, there will be one payment registered in the payment plan amounting to the entire value of the invoice.

ALTUM image081 Combining payments 


If payment is associated with a document (e.g. sales invoice) that was issued in another part of the system:

1.     the number of the document is copied to the new event

2.     the combined payments appear on the invoice, in tab: Payment Plan, as one planned deposit (instead of the previous two payments)


Rules for combining payments:


1.     many payments can be combined into one payment

2.     cannot combine completed payments

3.     cannot combine partially completed payments

4.     cannot combine payments of different types, e.g. payment of revenue type with payment of expense type

5.     cannot combine payments in different currencies

6.     cannot combine payments in foreign currencies with different exchange rates

7.     cannot combine payments associated with different documents, e.g. two payments one of which refers to SI/2007/00001 and the other refers to SI/2007/00002

8.     cannot combine payments one of which is associated with a trade document, e.g. SI and the other was generated manually

9.     cannot combine payments with differently determined parameters concerning the balance (whether payment affects the balance) and transaction (whether it is subject to transactions combination)

10.  cannot combine payments for several different payers

a.     the payer field is empty on a newly created payment form (none payer is transferred from the combined payments)

11.  payments with different payment forms can be combined

a.     no payment form will be selected on a newly created payment




Combining payments