Purchase invoice corrections


Data, which can be corrected in a purchase invoice correction, is both merchandise quantity and the invoice value.



Value correction

Value correction causes change of value of resources created by initial purchase document. Change of element value is distributed proportionally in whole initial quantity. If initial resources still exist, their value is corrected considering proportion of quantity. It means that if part of items was already sold, then value of remaining resource will be changed with amount falling on remaining quantity and for item already sold Cost Correction will be created. User can select different resources than these created by initial document, according to rules mentioned above.



Quantity correction

Quantity correction of purchase invoice causes release of items from a warehouse (using warehouse documents). Item is retrieved from resources created by source purchase document. However operator can select other resource, from which items being returned will be retrieved.

With regard to the fact that quantity revenue correction causes decrease or removal of created by this document resources, decrease of quantity of resources must be preceded with modification of reservations to which these resources are assigned, so that after this operation reservations wouldn’t point to resources which don’t exist or are insufficient. That’s why while creating correction of revenue document it might be necessary to release deleted/decreased resources from reservations. It is possible to correct particular resources in a source document. This can be done by correcting the quantities of subitems.




Purchase invoice corrections