Quantity corrections


Generally corrections in Comarch ALTUM system can be divided into groups:

1.   With payments assigned – trade (corrections to PI, SI and RI),

2.   Without payments assigned – warehouse (corrections to  SOR, POR),


Quantity corrections are issued to trade and warehouse documents. They are generated in case of:

1.   An error made on a source document which is already confirmed and printed (sent to a customer/vendor)

2.   Return of part of the merchandises included on a already issued trade document

3.   Return or resignation from delivery of part of the purchased merchandises 


There are two ways to issue a correction:

1.   Select source document, click with right mouse button and select from context menu position “Add quantity correction”

2.   Select source document and select from menu “Corrections” function “Add quantity correction”


If it’s possible to issue a correction a correction form will appear on the screen. In document’s header user can change: date of issue and date of sale (receipt).


1.   Items of correction are retrieved from source document – at the same time zero quantity is suggested. Item modification – i.e. determining which invoice items are being returned and their quantity can consists in changing the returned quantity:

  1. return of the whole quantity of previously sold (purchased) item
  2. return of part of the merchandises. In order to change the returned quantity, an item details must be previewed by clicking the [Edit]button in the Items menu or by double-clicking on the item with the left mouse button. The cursor will then appear in the Quantity field allowing to change its value


ALTUM image025 Quantity corrections Note: Returned quantity cannot be larger than the quantity in a source document


If several quantity corrections are generated to one document, each time a new correction is issued the system checks the amount of quantity left for return.


Data, presented on quantity correction, is correction date of issue (receipt) and merchandise date of return. 


Correction for trade-warehouse document has impact on warehouse stock. Confirmed quantity correction “in minus” for release documents (PI, POR) decreases ordered quantity or warehouse stock, correction for receipt documents (SI, R, SOR) decreases reserved quantity and increases warehouse stock. Correction can’t correct more than quantity on source document minus sum of corrections already issued for this document.


Quantity corrections are connected to planned payments and actual cash/bank operations if a corrected document has payments assigned. While issuing a correction to purchase invoice the system automatically creates planned payments valued with correction value. Default payer in this case is customer assigned to an invoice. In case of sales invoice issuing a correction will cause creation of planned payment – company issuing an invoice will be a payer. Generally in corrections of trade documents default payer is customer issuing an invoice. Corrections of trade documents are trade documents.




Quantity corrections