Value corrections


Value correction consists in change of sales or purchase price of item in relation to price from source invoice. In order to issue value correction user has to:

  1. Select source document, click with right mouse button and select from context menu position “Add value correction”
  2. Select source document and click [Add Value Correction] from the Correction buttons group


If it’s possible to issue a correction, a correction form will appear on the screen. In document’s header user can change: date of issue and date of sale.


ALTUM image025 Value corrections Note: Possible value corrections are ‘in plus’ or ‘in minus’


Unlike quantity correction, there are two types of value correction: in plus and in minus. In case of the first type, item price increases and in case of the second type it decreases. Value correction can correct price (value) of all items in a source document or of part of the elements only.


ALTUM image025 Value corrections Note: Value correction can be issued for the whole quantity or part of it only


Items of correction are retrieved from source document. The system displays on the screen following information: code of item, quantity, unit, VAT rate and base price. Until user enters value of correction – column Total contains only zeros.

Item modification – i.e. determining which invoice items are being corrected. Correction value of particular items may consists in changing item value/price.

In order to change the items price, each of the item details must be previewed by clicking the [Edit]button in the Items menu or by double-clicking on the item with the left mouse button. In the opened form, a new item price is entered in the Discounted Price field. Correction value can also be changed in item details form, in the Value field.


ALTUM image025 Value correctionsNote: Prices, changed (decreased or increased) with the previous corrections, are taken into account while generating every other correction to one document


Correction can correct value of document in plus or in minus. It’s important to remember that while issuing next correction for document user can see previously corrected values. User doesn’t correct again source document but he corrects documents of all previous corrections together with source document.




Value correction regarding the whole quantity

Value correction is called price correction because change of element value boils down to the change of item price (quantity stays the same). This fact can be observed at the moment of issuing next correction for the same document. Then price of item on corrected previously element is different than on source document. Example mentioned below presents such situation.

ALTUM image601 Value corrections 



Item Quantity

Item Price

Item Value

Correction Value

Average Price

1. SI






2. SIC


7 (previous value 5)




3. SIC


6 (previous value 7)





Description (meaning):

– first column shows type of issued document

– second column shows quantity of item on source document or quantity taken to be corrected

– third column shows actual price of item, in brackets previous price (calculated on base of previous documents)

– fourth column shows value of element of issued document considering quantity and actual price

– fifth column shows value of correction

– sixth column shows average price of one item on element after issuing a document, taking into consideration previous documents.

ALTUM image185 Value corrections- rows mean successively issued documents.


As the mentioned above example shows, correction can correct value of document in plus or in minus. It’s important to be aware of the fact that while issuing next correction for document, available are only previously corrected values. User doesn’t correct again source document but he corrects documents of all previous corrections together with source document.




Value corrections regarding part of the quantity

While issuing value corrections user can change not only price of item, but also the quantity to which this change should be applied.

ALTUM image026 Value corrections 




Item Quantity

Item Price

Item Value


Average Price

1. SI






2. SIC


7 (previous value 5)




3. SIC


6 (previous value 7)




4. SIC


2 (previous 6)




5. SIC


5 (previous 4)




ALTUM image601 Value corrections

It’s important to remember that:

1.     In case of value correction for part of quantity of documents accepting item to warehouse, item resources aren’t divided into two different resources (part with „old” price and part with new one), only value of the whole resource is increased/decreased with value of correction

ALTUM image026 Value corrections 


Acceptance of 100 items of a merchandise, with price 2 USD, resource value 200 USD

Value correction for 20 items, with price 3 USD, correction value 20 USD

On list of resources there will be still one resource: 100 items, with value 220 USD, with average unit price 2.20 USD.

ALTUM image185 Value corrections 

2.        In case of issuing warehouse document to trade document, quantities and values on warehouse document are identical with quantities and values on trade document (documents are then converted 1:1). Example:

- SI for 100 pieces of items, with price 2 USD, value 200 USD

- SIVC value correction for 20 pieces, with price 3 USD (correction value 20 USD)

After creating SOR two warehouse documents are created, where quantities and values are consistent with trade documents:

- SOR for 100 pieces of item, with price 2 USD, value 200 USD (connected with SI)

- SORVC changing price for 20 items, into price 3 USD (connected with SIVC).

3.        In case of conversion of warehouse document into trade document, if first warehouse document is issued (SOR, POR…), next to warehouse document value correction for part of quantity is issued and then warehouse document is converted to trade document (PI…)– then on trade document the system calculates average price of item

ALTUM image185 Value corrections 


SOR for 100 items, with price 2 USD, value 200 USD

SORVC: value correction of 20 items., to price 3 USD (value 20 USD)

After conversion to SI, on SI 100 items are displayed with average price 2.20 USD (value of items is correct – 220 USD)

ALTUM image027 Value corrections 

In case of conversion of warehouse documents to trade documents, where for SOR (POR…) document value corrections for part of quantity were issued, a situation can occur when value of issued SI will be different than sum of SOR and VCSOR values. It results from invoices, that during conversion the system calculates average price (rounded to two places after coma) and on its basis calculates new value of items.


If for one document user issues several corrections then with every correction the system checks what quantity of items remains to be returned.


Elements displayed on correction document have the same elements as elements of corrected document. There are two additional fields:

1.     Value before correction – means average end price of item on document’s element, obligatory before issue of current correction

2.     Value after correction – means value of correction. Value is displayed as net or gross amount, depending on the method of calculating values on source document: with net or gross price

While issuing a new correction “Price before correction” equals “Discounted price” and “Value of correction” equals 0.

Only after edition of element and entering changes on it, field “Discounted price” can differ from “Price before correction”.

Value of value correction equals sum of values of corrected elements. So it equals sum of corrected values of each of elements.

VAT table is calculated analogically like it is on other documents. Additionally user has to remember that on correction he can’t modify VAT rates, so corrected elements have the same rates as source document.




Value corrections