Granting of item discounts


To define a new promotion, fill in the form with basic information about an object. To open the form, click [Add] in the List button group.


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Figure 15 Item discount form.



To save discount form, fill in the information concerning the discount type (customer, item) and the amount of discount (value of percentage).


Available fields:


Name – can be composed of up to 50 characters (letters or digits). It identifies defined discount. It is possible to add to database two or more discounts with the same name.

Discount Type – type of discount is selected from a predefined list (for more information about available discount types, see chapter: Types of discounts).

Method Combining Discounts – field allowing the selection of a method for calculating discounts. If you select the option Add – all discounts are summed up, regardless of whether they are expressed as a value or as a percentage.

If you select the option Multiply – the discount is calculated according to the following formula: (100*(1-discount_1%))*(1-discount_2%), where discount_1 and discount_2 are successively granted discounts. Only those discounts which are expressed as a percentage are multiplied.

Sort of Discount – these parameters define the type of granted discount. Discount can be expressed as percentage – it is then calculated as percentage on amount, or expressed as value -  calculated as value on amount, e.g. 10 PLN. For value discount, it is possible to define a currency in which discount must be granted

Validity Dates  – range of dates in which discount takes effect. If a sales document date is included in the given range, then the discounts/prices calculation rules, defined in promotion, will be applied. Promotion date can be defined as follows:

ALTUM image002 Granting of item discounts              without time limits – such discount is always active as of its creation date (dateFrom). The end date is not specified, by default. Thus, deselected checkbox available next to the field To means that a given discount is not time-limited

ALTUM image002 Granting of item discounts              in a specified time range – such discount is effective within a given time range determined in the fields From and To


ALTUM image025 Granting of item discountsNote: User discount is always calculated additively.


The lower panel of the window is composed of tabs which change depending on the selected type of discount.

In tab Customers,it is possible to specify a list of customers/customer groups the defined discount can be granted to.

In tab Items, it is possible to specify a list of items/item groups which prices will be reduced in accordance with the options set in the discount.

Tab Threshold becomes active after selecting the option Threshold discount on item and is used to define the ranges of application of discounts. In this section, quantity thresholds and discounts which will take effect, are defined. It is also specified whether the threshold discount will be expressed in percentage or in value.

To add threshold, in field Discount Type select Threshold discount on item option and click [Add]in the Thresholds buttons group. In the new row, that appears in the Thresholds section, enter data regarding thresholds. To delete defined threshold, mark it (by clicking on it once with the left mouse button) and click [Delete] in the Thresholds buttons group. To specify an unlimited threshold discount, the field To must remain empty.

In the second tab: Items, it is possible to add items the defined threshold discount will apply to.



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Figure 16 Defined threshold discount.



The above picture illustrates threshold discount on an item. For 0 – 49 pieces of that item, no discount is granted, for quantity from 50 to 99 – 2% of discount is granted and for quantity from 100  – 50 USD of discount is granted.


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The marker in the Percentage value column means, that discount will be expressed as percentage. 




Granting of item discounts