Types of discounts
There are several types of discounts:
1) Discount on item or item group – this type of discount is granted to a particular customer or customer groups, hence there are the following options:
a) Customer discount on item – granted to a particular customer
b) Customer discount on item group – granted to a particular customer on an item from a given item group, e.g. building materials from the manufacturer X
c) Customer group discount on item – granted to a particular customer group, e.g. to those customers whose sales result exceeds a specified amount
d) Customer group discount on item group
2) Threshold discount – set on item depending on quantity being bought. It is possible to define several threshold discounts. For example: no discounts for less than 100 items, 5% discount for quantity between 101 and 1000, 7% for more than 1000 items.
3) Discount on payment form – set as % of the whole document value. Usually, it is granted for effecting cash payments. Possible options are:
a) Customer discount on payment form
b) Customer group discount on payment form
Figure 11 List of discount types.
The list of discounts is predefined and it is not possible to delete or add any other discounts. The only thing that can be changed in this list is the order of granted discounts and the value of Include the following discounts parameter.
No. – defines the order of calculating the discounts in the system
Type – defines type of discount
Include Successive Discounts – indicates whether the next discounts must be included or not. By checking this parameter by one of the discounts, the discount(s), following the one being checked, will be included. If this parameter is unchecked by one of the discounts, the following discounts will not be calculated, even if they occur in the system.
For example (according to above picture), the first two discounts are calculated, providing that a given customer/vendor has the right to a given discount on a given item at a given moment, regardless of whether the following discounts occur in the system. Then the system checks whether the customer/vendor has the right to the third discount. If so, then the discount is calculated, but the following discounts are not. If, however, the customer has no right to this discount, then the third discount is not calculated, but the system calculates the following discounts.
While generating a database, the Include the following discounts parameter is automatically checked by default by each discount types.
Note: Unchecked parameter Include the following discounts does not affect granting of user discount. User discount is always calculated at the end and it can be deactivated only by setting “fixed price” or such minimum margin which would not allows to grant an additional discount to customer.
Discounts calculation order
Discounts can accumulate. It means, that a given customer has the right to several discounts when purchasing a given item.
For example:
– discount resulting from the payment form used for effecting payment
– customer/vendor discount
– discount set on item group for a customer group a given customer is assigned to
– threshold discount (for the customer who purchased great amount of a given merchandise)
The user himself can decide about the order of calculating the discounts.
Setting of discounts calculation order
Discounts calculation order is set in the list of discount types. The order is set with the use of two buttons: [Up] and [Down].
[Up] – moves selected discount one level up on the list. The button is inactive, if the first discount type is marked on the list.
[Down] – moves selected discount one level down on the list. The button is inactive, if the last discount type is marked on the list.
To move a given discount one level up/down on the list, hover the mouse over selected item and choose appropriate option from the menu under the right mouse button.