Price types for released items
In Comarch ALTUM system, every item can have several price types assigned, e.g. wholesale, retail. One type has to be default. The default price type is applicable for the whole system. Every active item must have one price of default type defined. Price types are used for defining of price lists. Additionally, to each price type, it is possible to assign customers or customer groups. A given price list can be used by the assigned customers or all the customers from the selected groups.
There are two sorts of price types: for released items and for received items. Each of these sorts is related with the appropriate document type. All prices of release type are specific for documents registering the release of items, whereas prices of receipt type are specific for documents registering the receipt of items. Therefore, price types and price lists can be found in the system in two places: release type in Sales component and receipt type in Purchase component. Such division allows to select prices from price lists for released items on release documents only (e.g. sales invoice) and prices from price lists for received documents on receipt documents only. The list of all defined price types is available in Configuration (see: Configuration -> Price Types).
When generating a database, two price types for sales documents are added automatically: Retail (which is default) and Wholesale, and one type for purchase component: Purchase - default. It does not mean they are obligatory. Every user can edit or delete them and define new ones.
List of price types is displayed upon selecting Prices for Released Items/Prices for Received Items from the Sales/Purchase menu.
Figure 4 Prices for Released Items in tab Sales.
Information about price type, displayed in the list, is the following: Name, Assigned Customers, Default, Type,Active.
Figure 5 Price types for released items.