Adding a new price type


A new price type can be defined by clicking [Add] in the List buttons group. The new price type will added on the list of price types where it is possible to specify its name and determine its activity and default statuses.

It order to add customers and customer groups, it is necessary to edit given price type


The Price Type Details window contains the following fields:

Name can be composed of up to 50 characters (letters or digits). It identifies an object. The name has to be unique. The system blocks adding to database two or more price types with the same name. If such situation occurs, the user will receive appropriate message.

Sort of Price – field for determining the type of documents the added price type will be active for

Precision – field for specifying the price precision, that is the number of decimal places

Active – field for determining whether given price type is active or not. If checked, the price type will not be available on the documents and its edition will be limited

Default – price type marked as default appears automatically on item card in tab General and on the price list.


ALTUM image025 Adding a new price typeNote: Among prices of the same type, only one can be default, e.g. from among prices for released items, one price can be marked as default only.


Every user can define unlimited number of price types, edit and delete them.


The bottom part of the window is composed of two tabs:


Customers – in this tab it is possible to add customers to whom the price list  will be assigned. The selected customers are allowed to make purchases at prices from each price list created for this type of price. The list of customers is composed in this  tab of two columns: Code and Name, which refers to the customer code and name   

Customer Groups – in this tab it is possible to add customer groups the price list will be assigned to. All customers from the given customer group will be allowed to make purchases at prices from each price list created for this type of price. From the level of the Customer Groups tab, it is possible to access the list presenting the category of customer groups according to which the groups can be added. The list of customer groups is composed in this tab of two columns: Code and Name, which refer to the customer group code and name.



Adding a new price type