Sales below stock levels


Comarch ALTUM enables to reserve resources before they are actually registered in a warehouse. While working with system, it may occur, that a customer wants to buy an item which resources have not yet been registered (e.g. resources are already in stock, but no receipt document has been issued yet). Then trade release document is made and lack of proper resource is registered. Warehouse release document (SOR) can be made only when proper resources are registered in a warehouse – first a warehouse receipt document must be made. Resources can be released from warehouse only if there is right quantity of resources, with date of receipt (date from POR document) not later than date of release from SOR document.

Sale below warehouse stock applies only to trade release document (sales invoice), warehouse documents work only with existing resources.

ALTUM image025 Sales below stock levelsNote: The system makes it possible to issue trade release document below warehouse stock, however warehouse release document (SOR, IR-, WM-) can be based only on existing resources


At the moment of generation of warehouse release document (SOR) from trade document (SI), which has subitems sold below warehouse stock, the system checks whether the right resources exist and it connects release subitems with proper receipt subitems.

A situation may occur that during sale below warehouse stock it becomes important for customer from which warehouse he will receive items. That’s why it’s possible to define a warehouse on reservation. When a warehouse isn’t defined then resources are released from any warehouse. There is similar possibility to selection of features.

It’s important to remember that calculated purchase values and release element’s margin should be calculated only from subitems which are related to existing resources. Purchase value will be recalculated at the moment of connection of release subitems with receipt subitems.

The rules of making sales invoices below warehouse stock are the same as for a document with existing resources. The difference will appear on resources, where column with warehouse and columns with features are editable. By default these columns are set with unset values. However columns Delivery Date, Document, Purchase Value and Acquisition Value are empty (see Figure 16). In case of subitem connected with receipt subitem there are no changes.


ALTUM image189 Sales below stock levels

Figure 17 Subitems on sales invoice with sale below stock levels.



On the Figure 16 selected resource is not connected with receipt subitem – sales below warehouse stock.


The system registers shortages of a given resource and displays them on a list of warehouse stocks on warehouse and item form on tab Lots and Resources in Shortages column.


ALTUM image191 Sales below stock levels

Figure 18 Tab Lots and Resources presenting the resource not connected with any receipt subitem.         




Sales below stock levels