How to create a new IR+ document


IR+ documents are very similar to POR or PI documents, the only difference is that they can be issued only in the system currency. In order to issue a new IR+ document user has to:

  1. Open list of IR+ documents by selecting proper option (Warehouse -> IR+)
  2. Click [Add] button
  3. Select customer/employee which will be assigned to a document– click button Customer/Employee – this point is not obligatory – customer/employee selection is optional (it’s possible to issue IR- without assigned customer/employee)

a.     Select a group to which customer belongs and then select a proper customer

                                  i.    If customer doesn’t exist, before selection execute scenario How to add a new customer


a.     Select proper employee

                                             i.    If customer doesn’t exist, before selection execute scenario „Defining a new employee”

  1. Select warehouse to which resources will be accepted – click button [To warehouse]:

a.   Select proper warehouse on displayed list

                                  i.    If warehouse doesn’t exist, before selection execute scenario „Defining a new warehouse

  1. Define other basic parameters ( date of issue)
  1. Successively add all the elements by clicking button [Add] in menu Items

a.     Select an item by clicking [Merchandise/Set] button (analogically like it is in case of customer)

                                    i.    If item doesn’t exist, before selection execute scenario How to add a new item

b.    Define parameters of element value calculation

d.    Define resources of an item

  1. Save the item
  1. Points 6-7 should be repeated until all items are added
  2. Save the document as unconfirmed or confirmed



How to create a new IR+ document