How to create a new IR- document


IR- documents are very similar to SOR or SI documents, the only difference is that they can be issued only in the system currency. In order to issue a new IR- document user has to:

  1. Open list of IR- documents by selecting proper option (Warehouse -> IR-)
  2. Click [Add] button
  3. Select customer/employee which will be assigned to a document– click button [Customer/Employee] – this point is not obligatory – customer/employee selection is optional (it’s possible to issue IR- without assigned customer/employee)

a.     Select a group to which customer belongs and then select a proper customer

                                  i.    If customer doesn’t exist, before selection execute scenario How to add a new customer


a.     Select proper employee

                                             i.    If customer doesn’t exist, before selection execute scenario How to add a new employee

  1. Select warehouse from which resources will be released – click button [From warehouse]:

a.   Select proper warehouse on displayed list

                                  i.    If warehouse doesn’t exist, before selection execute scenario „Defining a new warehouse

  1. Define other basic parameters ( date of issue)
  1. Successively add all the elements by clicking button [Add] in menu Items

a.     Select an item by clicking [Item] button (analogically like it is in case of customer)

                                    i.    If item doesn’t exist, before selection execute scenario How to add a new item

b.    Select resource from which item will be sold

a.    Define quantity of items which will be sold and move it from lot to subitems

  1. Save the element
  1. points 5-6 should be repeated until all items are added
  1. Save the document as unconfirmed or confirmed



How to create a new IR- document