How to create a new WM- document
In order to create a new WM- document user has to:
1. Open list of WM- documents by selecting proper option (Warehouse -> WM-)
2. Click [Add] button
3. Select warehouse from which resources will be released – click button [From warehouse]:
a. Select proper warehouse on displayed list
i. If warehouse doesn’t exist, before selection execute scenario How to add a new warehouse
4. Select warehouse to which resources will be accepted – click button [To warehouse]:
a. Select proper warehouse on displayed list
i. If warehouse doesn’t exist, before selection execute scenario How to add a new warehouse
- Define other basic parameters ( date of issue)
- Successively add all the elements by clicking button [Add] in menu Items
a. Select an item by clicking „Item” button (analogically like it is in case of customer)
i. If item doesn’t exist, before selection execute scenario How to add a new item
b. Select resource from which item will be sold
c. Define quantity of items which will be sold and move it from lot to subitems
- Save the element
- points 5-6 should be repeated until all items are added
- Save the document as unconfirmed or confirmed