Cost correction


In Comarch ALTUM system, cost corrections can be generated from receipt documents. A cost correction is generated automatically while creating a value correction to a purchase invoice (PI) or to a purchase order receipt (POR).

Value corrections are not directly attached to SOR documents. They are presented on a separate list as cost corrections in tab Sales.


ALTUM image369 Cost correctionFigure109List of cost corrections.



A cost correction document is composed of two tabs: General and Associated Documents.

Information provided in the General tab is the following:


Number – cost correction number

Document Status – cost correction status. The status of cost correction is always Confirmed

Correction Total Value – total value of cost correction

Correction Subtotal Value – subtotal value of cost correction


ALTUM image371 Cost correction

Figure110Tab General on the form of cost correction.



A list of documents associated with the generated cost correction is displayed in tab Associated Documents. This is a list of documents connected with the creation of cost and they can be the purchase invoices, purchase order receipts, sales invoices, sales order releases, and value corrections of documents.


ALTUM image373 Cost correction

Figure111Tab Associated Documents on the form of cost correction.



Information provided in tab Associated Documents is the following:


Number – number of a document clipped with correction

Date of Issue – date of issue of a clipped document

Customer/Vendor/Employee – name of a customer/vendor or employee copied from the clipped document header

Subtotal Value – subtotal value of a document clipped with cost correction

Total Value – total value of a document clipped with cost correction

Document Type – type of a document clipped with cost correction


Cost correction does not generate payments.


A cost correction cannot be deleted. It is deleted from the list automatically while canceling the value correction generated to a receipt document




Cost correction