Credit memo


A credit memo is an accounting document that is issued in order to reduce a customer’s payables with a certain amount. A credit memo can be issued in case of incompatible invoicing of quantity or value of the actually delivered product. Thus, this document is issued in case if the invoiced quantity or value of items is larger than that of the actually delivered ones and it enables the customer to receive a discount in the amount specified on the received credit memo next time the customer finalizes a purchase transaction. 

This document can be also issued on the basis of previously agreed terms saying that after the purchase of goods for a speciftc value, the customer will be able to receive a discount in the form of a credit memo. 



List of credit memos

The list of credit memos is available in tabSales, under the Credit Memos icon.


ALTUM image356 Credit memo

Figure 102 Credit Memos in tab Sales.



Each item of the credit memos list contains:

Number – credit memo number granted according to the applied numeration schemes (see: Configuration -> Numerators)

Date of Issue – date of generation of credit memo

Date of Transaction

Customer Code – code of the customer for whom a credit memo was issued

Customer Name – name of the customer a credit memo was issued for

Address – address of the customer a credit memo was issued for

Value – value of the issued credit memo

Currency – symbol of the currency in which a document was issued

Status – credit memo status

Reference Number – number of the document associathed with a given credit memo

Payment Status – credit memo completion status


ALTUM image358 Credit memo

Figure 103 List of credit memos.



Below the list of credit memos, there is the filter panel with built-in filter options and the option allowing for the creation of individual filters. Filters are described in a separate document.


The built-in filter options allow filtering of credit memos by:

ALTUM image001 Credit memo      Document status

ALTUM image001 Credit memo      Document currency

ALTUM image001 Credit memo      Customer code

ALTUM image001 Credit memo      Customer address

ALTUM image001 Credit memo      Date of issue

ALTUM image001 Credit memo      Expected date

ALTUM image001 Credit memo      Date of transaction

ALTUM image001 Credit memo      Credit memo value


The filter panel can be hidden or unhidden by clicking on the buttons ALTUM image030 Credit memo and ALTUM image030 Credit memo respectively.




Credit memo