Purchase invoice


Purchase invoices are trade documents which register the purchase of goods. The source document for PI is a sales invoice issued by a vendor. They cause net value, gross value, VAT tax to be calculated and generate payments.

Each purchase invoice should be assigned, after confirmation, to warehouse document POR. PI documents both unconfirmed and confirmed have impact only on ordered quantity of item, displayed on list of warehouse resources in column Orders. They do not take receipt of merchandises to a warehouse.


In Comarch ALTUM system purchase invoices are available in the Purchases tab. In order to correctly issue a PI receipt price types and price lists have to be defined. List of receipt price types and price lists is available in the Purchases tab. Their defining is identical like it’s in case of release documents.



List of purchase invoices

List of issued purchase invoices can be opened from menu Purchase -> Purchase invoices.


ALTUM image134 Purchase invoice

Figure 112 Purchase Invoices in tab: Purchase.



The window displays a list of all issued purchase invoices.

There is following information about each element of the list displayed:

Number – number of invoice generated according to used numeration schemas (see manual: Comarch ALTUM System Configuration -> Numerators)

Date of Receipt

Date of Issue – invoice date of generation

Vendor Code

Vendor Name

Address – address of a vendor assigned to invoice

Subtotal Value – subtotal value of invoice

Total Value – total value of invoice

Currency – document currency

Status – indicates the current status of a document

Reference Number – number of the associated sales document


ALTUM image375 Purchase invoice

Figure 113 List of purchase invoices.



Below the list of purchase invoices, there is the filter panel with built-in filter options and the option allowing for the creation of individual filters. Filters are described in a separate document.

The built-in filter options allow filtering of purchase invoices by:

ALTUM image001 Purchase invoice      Document status

ALTUM image001 Purchase invoice      Document currency

ALTUM image001 Purchase invoice      Document type (possible options are: purchase invoices and advance invoices)

ALTUM image001 Purchase invoice      Vendor type (vendor or secondary vendor)

ALTUM image001 Purchase invoice      Vendor code

ALTUM image001 Purchase invoice      Vendor’s address

ALTUM image001 Purchase invoice      Date of issue

ALTUM image001 Purchase invoice      Date of receipt

ALTUM image001 Purchase invoice      Invoice value


The filter panel can be hidden or unhidden by clicking on the buttons ALTUM image030 Purchase invoice and ALTUM image030 Purchase invoice respectively.




Purchase invoice