Sales inquiry
Sales inquiry reflects a customer’s interest in our product. An inquiry may include particular items or only a general description of the item. Inquiry with particular items is addressed to a regular customer who knows the catalog of our products. Inquiry with general description of our product catalog is addressed to a new customer who is interested in our offer in general rather than in a specific product.
The list of sales inquiries is available in tab Sales under the button [Inquiries].
Figure 85 Sales inquiries in tab Sales.
The list of sales inquiries includes the following information:
Number – inquiry number granted according to the applied numeration schemes
Date of Issue – date of generation of the sales inquiry
Customer Code – code of the selected customer
Customer Name – name of the selected customer
Address – customer’s address
Reference Number – inquiry’s reference number
Figure 86 List of sales inquiries.
On the list of sales inquiries, in the List button group, there are the following buttons:
[Add] – adds new inquiries
[Edit]- allows for the modification of unconfirmed inquiries
[Delete]- removes the selected inquiry from the list
[Confirm] – confirms registered inquiries
[Refresh]- refreshes the list of inquiries
Buttons available in the Generation button group are the following:
[Generate SQ] with options:
- By Customer’s Price List
– On the Basis of Vendor Quotes
Figure 87 Button [Generate SQ] with the available options.
[Generate POI] with options:
- For One Customer
- For Many Customers
Figure 88 Button [Generate POI] with the available options.
Buttons available in the Printounts and Reports button group are the following:
[Send] with options:
- Send Printout (Default)
- Send Printout (Select)
Figure 89 Button [Send] with the available options.
Below the list of sales inquiries, there is the filter panel in which it is possible to create individual filters or use the built-in filter options. The built-in filter options enable filtering the list by:
Document status
Customer type
Customer code
Customer addres
Date of issue