Sales inquiry


Sales inquiry reflects a customer’s interest in our product. An inquiry may include particular items or only a general description of the item. Inquiry with particular items is addressed to a regular customer who knows the catalog of our products. Inquiry with general description of our product catalog is addressed to a new customer who is interested in our offer in general rather than in a specific product.


The list of sales inquiries is available in tab Sales under the button [Inquiries].


ALTUM image323 Sales inquiry

Figure 85 Sales inquiries in tab Sales.



The list of sales inquiries includes the following information:

Number – inquiry number granted according to the applied numeration schemes

Date of Issue – date of generation of the sales inquiry

Customer Code – code of the selected customer

Customer Name – name of the selected customer

Address – customer’s address

Reference Number – inquiry’s reference number


ALTUM image325 Sales inquiry

Figure 86 List of sales inquiries.



On the list of sales inquiries, in the List button group, there are the following buttons:

ALTUM image001 Sales inquiry      [Add] – adds new inquiries

ALTUM image001 Sales inquiry      [Edit]- allows for the modification of unconfirmed inquiries

ALTUM image001 Sales inquiry      [Delete]- removes the selected inquiry from the list

ALTUM image001 Sales inquiry      [Confirm] – confirms registered inquiries

ALTUM image001 Sales inquiry      [Refresh]- refreshes the list of inquiries


Buttons available in the Generation button group are the following:

ALTUM image001 Sales inquiry      [Generate SQ] with options:

- By Customer’s Price List

– On the Basis of Vendor Quotes


ALTUM image326 Sales inquiry

Figure 87 Button [Generate SQ] with the available options.



ALTUM image001 Sales inquiry      [Generate POI] with options:

- For One Customer

- For Many Customers


ALTUM image327 Sales inquiry

Figure 88 Button [Generate POI] with the available options.



Buttons available in the Printounts and Reports button group are the following:

ALTUM image001 Sales inquiry      [Printout/Report]

ALTUM image001 Sales inquiry      [Chart/Analysis]

ALTUM image001 Sales inquiry      [Send] with options:

- Send Printout (Default)

- Send Printout (Select)


ALTUM image328 Sales inquiry

Figure 89 Button [Send] with the available options.



Below the list of sales inquiries, there is the filter panel in which it is possible to create individual filters or use the built-in filter options. The built-in filter options enable filtering the list by:

ALTUM image001 Sales inquiry      Document status

ALTUM image001 Sales inquiry      Customer type

ALTUM image001 Sales inquiry      Customer code

ALTUM image001 Sales inquiry      Customer addres

ALTUM image001 Sales inquiry      Date of issue




Sales inquiry