The form of sales inquiry


A sales inquiry can be generated both for an item or merchandise, service, and set type. The form of sales inquiry is composed of several tabs, but there are no mandatory fields which need to be filled in to be able to save the document.


A new sales inquiry is generated by clicking on the button [Add] in the List button group.




Tab General


The basic data that needs to be provided in order to generate an inquiry is included in tab General. The inquiry may include particular items or only a general description of the items. Inquiries with items are generated for regular customers who are familiarized with the product catalog. A description of items is provided for new customers who are interested in the company’s offer and not in a particular product.


ALTUM image330 The form of sales inquiry

Figure 90 Tab General on the form of sales inquiry.



This tab is composed of:

1.     The header in which the following information is specified: inquiry number, reference number, customer name, secondary customer name, description, document status, reason for rejection (in case of rejected inquiry), and the date of issue

2.     List of items in which the basic information about the included items is provided: item number, code, name, quantity, and unit of measure




In the header, there is the basic information about a dokument, which is the following:

Number – the elements of inquiry number depends on the selected numeration scheme defined for this type of document (see Configuration -> Numerators). Depending on the specified numeration scheme, the document number can be composed of three to eight elements arranged in the set order.   

Reference Number – reference number of inquiry

Customer – name of the customer for whom the document is issued     

Secondary Customer – name of the secondary customer for whom the document is issued

Center – name of the center in which the document is issued

Description – field for providing description to the selected item or additional information

Document Status – specifies the status of a currently opened document. Document statuses can be the following:

             Unconfirmed – document saved as unconfirmed  can still be modified

Confirmed – confirmed document cannot be modified

Rejected – rejected inquiry is not responded, thus none quote is generated to such inquiry for a customer

Date of Issue – inquiry date of issue

Reject Inquiry – when checking this parameter, the field for selecting the reason of rejection appears. The reasons of rejection are defined in generic directories, thus the list of reasons is built on the basis of the list of values specified for a generic directory, for the category Reasons for rejecting quotes


List of items  

Ona sales inquiry can be generated for several different items. In this part of the inquiry form, there is a list of all items for which a given document was issued. The list of items is composed of the following columns:

No. – ordinal number of the item. If one of the documents items is removed, the other items are automatically recalculated

Code – code of the selected item

Name – name of the selected item

Quantity – item quantity a customer is inquiring

UOM – item unit of measure (it does not have to be the basic unit)


ALTUM image331 The form of sales inquiryNote: The items of sales inquiry do not affect the resources in stock and there are no subitems created to those items.


ALTUM image332 The form of sales inquiryNote: Items on a sales inquiry are added, removed and edited only through edit-in-place mechanism. Editable values are those in columns Code, Quantity, and UOM.




Tab Customers


In this tab you can find the address details of the selected customer and secondary customer. This information is filled in automatically upon selecting a customer. Data in this tab can be changed or completed, if missing. Changes entered from this level updates the data registered on the customer form. If the address data is incomplete, it will not be possible to save the document. The type of the address can be changed in this tab by clicking on the button ALTUM image333 The form of sales inquiry.


ALTUM image335 The form of sales inquiry

Figure 91 Tab Customers on the form of sales inquiry.




Tab Associated Documents


The list of associated documents contains the sales quotes generated from a given sales inquiry and purchase inquiries from vendors generated from a given document.


ALTUM image337 The form of sales inquiry

Figure 92 Tab Associated Documents on the form of sales inquiry.



The list of associated documents is composed of the following columns:

ALTUM image001 The form of sales inquiry      Number – number of the associated document

ALTUM image001 The form of sales inquiry      Date of Issue – date of generation of the associated document

ALTUM image001 The form of sales inquiry      Customer/Employee – name of the customer or employee for whom the associated document is issued

ALTUM image001 The form of sales inquiry      Subtotal Value – subtotal value of the associated document

ALTUM image001 The form of sales inquiry      Total Value – total value of the associated document

ALTUM image001 The form of sales inquiry      Document Type – type of the associated document


ALTUM image167 The form of sales inquiryNote: If a purchase inquiry was generated from a given sales inquiry and then two purchase quotes were generated from that purchase inquiry, then there will be two purchase inquiries presented in the Associated Documents tab.




The form of sales inquiry